(via the Illinois Library Association)
The Reaching Forward Forum is accepting program proposals for the 2021 conference. We want to hear how you and your libraries responded pandemic. What has worked? How did you adapt to challenges and alter your plans when needed? How did you transition to virtual programming? What new and innovative projects and procedures have you implemented? How are you looking to the future of libraries? Where do we go from here? We’ve all learned a lot this year and we want you to share your challenges and successes.
All programs slots are 60 minutes. Programming is organized by tracks. Additional information is available on the ILA website.
The deadline for proposal submission is Friday, November 20, at 11:59 PM. To submit an abstract, please go here. If you have any questions about how to submit a program proposal, view the conference proposal submission information page on the ILA website. If you have any questions regarding Reaching Forward 2021, please contact Cyndi Robinson, at robinson@ila.org.