(via the Illinois Library Association)
Biographical statements for candidates for the ILA Board are available here in advance of the voting period. Polls open on Wednesday, April 1, and close on Friday, April 30. All personal members of the association are eligible to vote. Paper ballots will be sent to persons requesting one.
Your personal membership must be current and active as of March 31, 2020, to receive a ballot. E-mail ila@ila.org if you are not sure about the status of your membership, or if you have any additional questions.
The IACRL Nominating Committee has announced the 2020 candidates for election to the IACRL Board. Biographical statements are available here. The polls will open electronically Wednesday, April 1, and close Friday, April 30. Please note: You must be a personal member of ILA, including belonging to IACRL, in order to vote. Be sure your membership is current no later than March 31. E-mail ila@ila.org if you are not sure about the status of your membership, or if you have any additional questions.