HSLI Members,
The office of Treasurer is open for election in August 2022. HSLI members are encouraged to consider running for office or nominating a colleague who is interested in being nominated. Self-nominations are welcome! This is a great opportunity for professional service and leadership development, and there are typically only two HSLI Board meetings per year. Currently, nobody has volunteered to run for Treasurer.
The Treasurer will serve a two-year term that begins after the 2022 Annual Business Meeting and ends at the close of the Annual Business Meeting in 2024.
Currently, Laura Wimmer (Laura.Wimmer@Ascension.org) is serving as Interim Treasurer. If interested, I recommend contacting Laura for her insight and details of the position.
Brief overview of responsibilities of the HSLI Treasurer:
- Work annually with Accounting Firm
- Update accounting spreadsheet
- Maintain, update records, and file reports, including Treasurer reports, 1099 tax returns, annual report to state, a financial report to the membership at the annual meeting
- Collect assessments, maintain the funds of the organization, and pay bills
Please see the bylaws for full descriptions of each position here.
I’m asking for nominees and/or assistance identifying interested people. If interested, please include a short description of your professional experience and interests. Candidates must be current members of HSLI. Please submit your nominations or self-nominations by Friday, August 5, 2022. The election is tentatively scheduled for mid-August.
Thank you,
Elizabeth “Betsy” Sterner, esterner@govst.edu
HSLI Nominating & Elections Committee