(via Tana Petrov, Fountaindale Public Library District)
I am seeking responses for a survey being used to collect information for an upcoming article appearing in the Illinois Library Association’s ILA Reporter magazine. The topic of the article is “community engagement through makers and the maker movement”. I am interested in learning about maker programs from both inside and outside the library building. I am seeking examples from all types, sizes, and locations of libraries across the state. Examples from outside of the Chicago area, including central and southern Illinois, are especially welcome. The deadline to submit responses is Saturday, Feb 15, 2020.
To access the survey, please go to https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lhVd5VtEOn4FpyPjHU9W57D9jq1mzP5hVGqIvxYeR3M/viewform?edit_requested=true. Please direct any questions to tpetrov@fountaindale.org.