(via Dan Stanton, Arizona State University) April is Citizen Science Month (and not too far away)! Citizen Science Month is a great time to bring citizen science – public engagement in real scientific research – to your library or community-based organization (CBO). Join an informational webinar to learn about Citizen Science Month featured projects and…
Day: January 17, 2021
Reminder: Abstract Submissions for ACS Virtual Spring Meeting’s Symposium on the Changing Role of Librarians Due Tues., Jan. 19
(via Teri Vogel–University of California, San Diego) As part of the upcoming ACS Virtual Spring Meeting, which will take place over two weeks (April 5-16), the Chemical Information Division will be organizing a symposium, Even the Bonds Are Bigger: The Changing Roles of Librarians. We welcome Chemistry/STEM librarians to share how they have modified their…
Registration Open for ILA Legislative Meet-ups (Events Run From Fri., Jan. 29, to Fri., March 5)
(via the Illinois Library Association) We are pleased to announce registration is now open for ILA’s 2021 Library Legislative Meet-ups. This annual series of eight legislative events provides an opportunity to meet with your state and federal legislators and hear their thoughts firsthand about issues affecting libraries in your area. The ILA President will bring…
Call for Applicants: Medical Library Association’s 2021 Research Training Institute (Deadline Monday, January 25)
(via the Medical Library Association) Are you a library professional who wants to take your research skills to the next level? Do you have a brilliant idea or research topic that you want to pursue but do not know where to start and need help from your peers and experts to carry it through? The…
Call for Posters and Lightning Talks: MLA 2021 Annual Conference (Deadline Tues., Feb. 9)
(via the Medical Library Association) The 2021 National Program Committee invites abstract submissions that support the annual meeting theme, “Transforming Our Diversifying Communities.” The MLA ’21 call for posters and lightning talksĀ is now open and will remain open until Tuesday, February 9. Posters and lightning talks are great ways to share information about research or…