(via Emily Gilbert, IACRL Vice-President/President-Elect) Registration is still open for this Friday’s IACRL event, “Spark: Looking Back, Looking Forward”. It will take placeĀ onlineĀ from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM. The event will have three lightning talks from Illinois academic librarians on practices they developed during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and participants will be able to discuss…
Day: June 9, 2021
Legislative News, 06/09/2021
Federal news MLA signs onto CHLA ABSC statement on the importance of hospital libraries [MLAConnect, 6/1/2021] This statement outlines the role hospital libraries play in the provision of evidence-based health care, and our concern and disappointment regarding the continued decommissioning, closure, underfunding, and understaffing of hospital libraries. The statement will be sent to politicians, hospital…