(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) Join Amigos Library Services for this online technology class. “Basic SQL” Taught by Mike Pullin, this course provides an introduction to the basics of Structured Query Language including terminology, design, working with databases, and working with the PHP scripting language. Through instruction and completing in-class exercises which build on…
Day: June 29, 2021
Seats Still Available in Upcoming Online with the CMC Courses
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) There are still seats available in the three Online with the CMC (Cataloging Maintenance Center) courses listed below. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Pamela Thomas, Bibliographic Project Coordinator for the Illinois Heartland Library System, at pthomas@illinoisheartland.org. “Subject Analysis”: Monday, July 12 – Sunday, August 22 (registration is open until Monday, July 5, and the course is capped…
Reminder: Deadline to Apply for CARLI Scholarship is Wed., June 30
(via Anne Craig, CARLI Senior Director) This is a reminder that the deadline to apply for the CARLI Scholarship is this Wednesday, June 30. More details are below. Purpose The CARLI Scholarship provides financial assistance to current employees of CARLI Governing Member Libraries pursuing graduate studies leading to a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science at the University…
Call for Proposals: Florida ACRL 2021 Virtual Annual Conference (Fri., Oct. 15)–Deadline Fri., July 9
(via Diana Matthews, Santa Fe College) The Florida Chapter of ACRL (FACRL) believes it is important to affirm the Association’s commitment to acknowledge and address historical racial inequities; challenge oppressive systems within academic libraries; value different ways of knowing; and identify and work to eliminate barriers to equitable services, spaces, resources, and scholarship. We are currently seeking proposals for presentations and…