(via Merinda Kaye Hensley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) The IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) Information Literacy Section invites interested professionals to submit proposals for papers to be presented during a 90-minute webinar in mid-June, before IFLA WLIC 2022. Social justice design has much to offer to librarians, and critical pedagogy is a way to implement it,…
Day: April 22, 2022
ACRL Distance and Online Learning Section Instruction Committee Hosting Asynchronous Virtual Poster Session (April 25-29, Mon.-Fri.)
(via Lisa Becksford, Virginia Tech University) The ACRL Distance and Online Learning Section Instruction Committee invites you to participate in our 4th annual asynchronous Virtual Poster Session, from Monday, April 25, to Friday, April 29. During this week, 28 posters about online teaching and learning practices are available to view and comment on, and presenters are available…