(via Perry Weidling, student at Simmons College GSLIS) Thanks to everyone who has already responded! This is the last call for a survey being conducting as part of an environmental scan for the Association of Mental Health Librarians (AMHL). The survey aims to help us better understand a) the needs of those interested in professional associations…
Day: October 6, 2023
Call for Chapter Proposals–Upcoming ACRL Publication Autistic Academic Librarians: A Guide for Success (Informational Webinar on Fri., Nov. 10, at 11:00 AM CDT)–Deadline Wed., Nov. 29
(via Karen Stoll Farrell, Indiana University) We are excited to invite chapter proposals for Autistic Academic Librarians: A Guide for Success, an edited volume to be published by ACRL. About the book: This book will highlight the lived experiences of autistic academic librarians. Chapter authors will discuss their experiences in various components of the employment…