(via Dr. Wendy Doucette, East Tennessee State University) The Journal of Graduate Librarianship (JGL) is again accepting submissions! Manuscripts are welcome until Monday, April 14, 2025. JGL invites manuscripts on any aspect or type of graduate librarianship. We especially seek manuscripts that exemplify the qualities contained in the acronym SHOP: Shared Honest Open Practice. Authors are encouraged…
Month: March 2025
Registration Open for NNLM Region 4 Webinar “Empowering Teens Through Media and Health Literacy: The Role of Health Sciences Librarians”–Wed., March 26, 2:00-3:00 PM CDT
(via Lauren Wittek, University of Arizona – Health Sciences Library) Region 4 of the Network of the National Library of Medicine invites you to join us for our free webinar next month. Registration is required. Please note: You must be a NNLM member to register (it’s free!). Can’t join us live? Register anyway to receive the recording after the event. Please…
Registration Open for 20th International Conference on Open Repositories (Sun., June 15 – Wed., June 18, in Chicago)–Early-Bird Deadline Sun., April 6
(via Adrian Ho, University of Chicago) The 20th International Conference on Open Repositories (OR2025) will take place from Sunday, June 15, to Wednesday, June 18, in Chicago, IL. Registration is now open here. The theme for the Conference is “Twenty Years of Progress, a Future of Possibilities”. We will reflect on the progress and contributions that the…
Call for Presentation Proposals Extended: CARLI Instruction Committee’s 13th Annual Instruction Showcase (Online Wed., May 21)–New Deadline Wed., March 12, at 5:00 PM CDT
(via Adrienne Radzvickas, CARLI) The CARLI Instruction Committee is seeking presentation proposals for the 13th annual Instruction Showcase, to be held virtually on Wednesday, May 21. By request, the Committee has extended the deadline to Wednesday, March 12, at 5:00 PM CDT. Instructional Possibilities CARLI members and Illinois LIS students are welcome to submit proposals…
Call for Chicago-Area Librarians Willing to Collaborate on a Gen Z Zine About Climate Emotions and Wellness
(via Mandi Goodsett, Cleveland State University) SustainRT (the American Library Association’s Sustainability Round Table) has connections with the Climate Mental Health Network, and we were really excited to see its most recent publication, a Gen Z Zine created by teen authors. It includes a page of recommended books to obtain from a local library. Zoharia…
Call for Submissions: “Biz of Digital” Column in Upcoming Issues of Against the Grain
(via Michelle Flinchbaugh—University of Maryland, Baltimore County) “Biz of Digital” is a column in Against the Grain. It features discussions by working librarians on digital collections, digital repositories, digital scholarship, data services, and technology. Its audience is librarians in all types of libraries and vendors of products, services, and systems that support library digital services….