(via Meghan Sitar-University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
The Instruction Section is seeking a Publication Editor. This volunteer position provides final-round editing for IS publications. The position is intended to ensure that IS publications are consistent, professional, and polished, and that they reflect well on IS and on ACRL. This position is also intended to remove some of the burden of detail editing from IS committees or individuals, freeing them to focus more of their energy on a document’s content. The duties and responsibilities of the Publication Editor include the following.
- Ensuring correct and consistent Chicago citation style
- Final copy-editing as needed (i.e. grammar, punctuation, etc. according to Chicago)
- Final proofreading as needed (i.e. factual accuracy, clarity, etc.)
Please see the full description for more details:
Interested in being considered? Please submit a letter of interest outlining your experience and knowledge applicable to the position, a curriculum vitae or resume, and samples of relevant work to IS Vice Chair, Meghan Sitar, at msitar@umich.edu. Deadline for applications is December 1. Applicants will be notified after the ALA Midwinter meeting.