(via ACRL)
Focus groups are a valuable tool for academic libraries in gaining user feedback, particularly when collecting the information needed for improving services and facilities. They are also more effective than market surveys, as focus groups give not just raw data, but direct insight into the needs of library users. Learn more about making the most of focus groups, from planning them to applying the information collected, in the ACRL webcast “Planning, Running, and Learning from Focus Groups”, which will take place from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM on Wednesday, February 3. In addition to general strategies, the event will discuss such specifics as how to design focus-group questions so that they actually reveal user opinions and needs.
The presenter will be library consultant Kimberly Sweetman. For more information, and to register, go here. The cost is $50 for ACRL members and $75 for non-ACRL members of ALA.