(via Shirley Zhao, University of Utah)
Health science librarians are invited to participate in Biomedical and Health Research Data Management Training for Librarians, sponsored by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Training Office (NTO). The course is an 8-week online class with engaging lessons and practical activities, and provides basic knowledge and skills for librarians interested in helping patrons manage their research data. Participants will then complete a capstone project at the end of the course, and the experience will culminate in a Capstone Summit at NIH on April 10-11, 2018.
The major goal of this course is to provide an introduction to data issues and policies in support of developing and implementing or enhancing research data management training and services at your institution. This material is essential for decision-making and implementation of these programs, particularly instructional and reference services. The course topics include an overview of data management, choosing appropriate metadata descriptors or taxonomies for a dataset, addressing privacy and security issues with data, and creating data management plans.
Application details are posted here. Applications are due on Wednesday, November 8. Notifications will go out to applicants the week of December 4. The online course will take place from January 8 to March 2, 2018, and the capstone summit will be held April 10-11, 2018. Please direct any questions to Shirley Zhao, at shirley.zhao@utah.edu.