Thank you very much to everyone who attended the November 9 webinar “Preparing Librarians and Researchers for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy”, presented by Lena Bohman and Dani LaPreze, and hosted by the Health Science Librarians of Illinois. You may view the slides, which the presenters have graciously agreed to share, here. Also,…
Author: Eric Edwards
Reminder: Registration Open for Online with the CMC Webinar “Looking to the Future: How to Learn About Linked Data and BIBFRAME” (Thurs., Jan. 12, 10:00-11:00 AM CDT)
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) On Thursday, January 12, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM CDT, join Online with the CMC for the webinar “Looking to the Future: How to Learn About Linked Data and BIBFRAME”. You keep hearing about “linked data” and “BIBFRAME” and want to know more…but where do you start?…
Call for Proposals Extended: ALA Library Instruction Round Table President’s Program at ALA Annual in Chicago (Deadline Fri., Jan. 13)
(via Alicia Vaandering, University of Rhode Island) ALA Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) has extended the call for panelists for the LIRT President’s Program at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL (Thursday, June 22 – Tuesday, June 27). Program Title: “Universal design for learning – planning for all learners” Universal design for learning is an…
Call for Participation: Survey “Exploring Academic Librarian Candidates’ Experiences on the Job Market” (Deadline Fri., Jan. 20)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University, on behalf of Jordan Nielsen, Middle Tennessee State University, and Kathryn Houk, University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Please consider participating in a research study being conducted by Jordan Nielsen and Kathryn Houk titled, Exploring Academic Librarian Candidates’ Experiences on the Job Market, reviewed and approved by the Middle Tennessee State…
Call for Mentors: ALA New Members Round Table Mentoring Program
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Do you sometimes feel you have professional questions to ask and no one to direct them to? Do you find yourself wishing that someone would have been there to teach you all that you now know? Would you like to walk alongside a new librarian as they enter the profession? If…
Call for Applications: RUSA’s Stephen T. Riedner Grant for Life Enhancing Programs for People Living with Dementia (Deadline Fri., Feb. 17)
(via Mary Beth Riedner, retired) Now is the time to start preparing to submit an application to ALA’s RUSA (Reference & User Services Association) for a $2,500 award from the Stephen T. Riedner Grant for Life Enhancing Library Programs for People Living with Dementia. This grant is designed to provide seed money for new library…
Call for Preliminary Proposals: ACRL College Libraries Section’s CLIPP Committee Publication Series (Deadline Wed., Feb. 1)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The ACRL College Libraries Section’s College Library Information on Policy and Practice (CLIPP) Committee invites you to submit a preliminary proposal for its CLIPP publication series. The CLIPP series allows library staff to share information on practices and procedures they have implemented to address common issues or concerns. Each…
REFORMA Planning to Restart Midwest Chapter
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Hola! We wanted to reach out and keep you informed! A task force has been established with the goal of reviving the Midwest Chapter of REFORMA (The National Association to Promote Library & Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking), which includes Illinois! Our goal is to complete…
Call for Volunteers: ACRL Science & Technology Section Future Modalities Task Force (STS Membership Not Required)
(via Hannah Gascho Rempel, Oregon State University) Are you a librarian with responsibilities or interests in the sciences? Do you have ideas and opinions on the different formats (e.g., virtual, in person, different timings) or other creative solutions that the ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS) can use for meetings, events, and gatherings moving forward?…
Call for Proposals: Illinois Support for the Creation of Open Educational Resources (Illinois SCOERs) Sub-grants, Round 3 (Deadline Tues., Feb. 28)
(via Dr. Michele Leigh, CARLI) The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries of Illinois (CARLI) is excited to announce one final lightening round of the Illinois SCOERs Sub-grants for the creation of Open Educational Resources, (OER), made possible from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) in the U.S. Department of Education. CARLI…