(via Lauren Wittek, University of Arizona – Health Sciences Library) Registration is open for the Network of the National Library of Medicine webinar “The Power of Mental Health First Aid”. It will take place on Thursday, January 9, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CDT. Please see below for more information, including the link to registration….
Author: Eric Edwards
Call for Participation: Research Study on Incorporating Mindfulness into Academic Library Leadership Practices–Deadline to Submit Preliminary Questionnaire is Friday, Jan. 3
(via Cynthia Romanowski, SWAN Library Services) I am a doctoral candidate in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies Higher Education Administration at Governors State University’s College of Education and Human Development. I am conducting a research study on how incorporating mindfulness into academic library leadership practices is perceived to impact the well-being and work environment of library employees….
Call for Submissions: “Biz of Digital” Column in Upcoming Issues of Against the Grain
(via Michelle Flinchbaugh–University of Maryland, Baltimore County) “Biz of Digital” is a column in Against the Grain. It features discussions by working librarians on digital collections, digital repositories, digital scholarship, data services, and technology. Its audience is librarians in all types of libraries and vendors of products, services, and systems that support library digital services….
Call for Chapter Proposals: Upcoming Book Libraries and the Futures of the Humanities–Deadline Sat., Feb. 1
(via Dr. Mark Dahlquist, Miami University in Ohio) The editors of a book project, Libraries and the Futures of the Humanities, call for chapter proposals for a volume that Rowman & Littlefield has invited us to submit, focused on how libraries can play a role in reimagining the humanities during a time of crisis and…
Call for Participation: Workshop Series “Implementing assessment tools for library impact on students’ academic success” (April 21 – June 16, 2025, with Instructors from UIUC and NIU)–Deadline Thurs., Jan. 30, with Participation Limited to 50
(via Kimberly Shotick, Northern Illinois University) Are you looking to enhance your assessment knowledge and skills? Don’t miss our upcoming workshop series designed to empower you with practical tools and insights. This two-year project, titled “Implementing assessment tools for library impact on students’ academic success” (2024-2026) was made possible in part by the Institute of…
Reminder: Registration Open for ACRL 2025 Conference (Wed., April 2 – Sat., April 5, in Minneapolis and Online)–Early-Bird Deadline Fri., Feb. 7
(via ACRL) The Association of College & Research Libraries announces the opening of registration for the ACRL 2025 Conference, to take place from Wednesday, April 2, to Saturday, April 5, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and online. We are living in a time of extraordinary change and the world around us is evolving at an unprecedented pace. Transformative…
Call for Proposals: ALA Learning Round Table’s Upcoming LearningExchange Newsletter–Deadline Fri., Dec. 6
(via Colleen Hooks, Orange County Library System) ALA’s Learning Round Table is looking for articles for the upcoming LearningExchange Newsletter. Anything related to continuing education, or staff training and development in libraries is welcome. Articles should be 500-700 words in length, written in an informative style. Previous topics have included best practices, techniques, resources, programs,…
Registration Open for Next LIS Pedagogy Chat, “From Framework to Orthodoxy (Or, You Can’t Question This)”–Online Fri., Dec. 6, at 1:00 PM CDT (UIUC’s Melissa Wong is Co-Moderator)
(via Laura Saunders, Simmons University) Please join us for the next LIS Pedagogy Chat, online Friday, December 6, at 1:00 PM CDT. The topic is “From Framework to Orthodoxy (Or, You Can’t Question This)”. See below for more information, including the link to registration. Pedagogical best practices can offer invaluable guidance to instructors. What starts…
Call for Session Proposals: 8th Empirical Librarians Conference (Wed., May 21 – Thurs., May 22, Hybrid and in Richmond, VA)–Deadline Mon., Jan. 13
(via Dr. Nina Exner, Virginia Commonwealth University) Are you a library person who does original research or one who supports researchers? Join us for the 8th Empirical Librarians Conference on Wednesday and Thursday, May 21-22, 2025, a hybrid gathering of in-person and online attendees focusing on the unique place of original research and researchers in…
Call for Proposals: Virtual Global Accessibility Awareness Day Event on Thurs., May 15, With Theme “Committing to Change” (UIUC is Co-Sponsor)–Deadline Fri., Jan. 3
(via Twanna Hodge, University of Maryland College of Information) The University of Minnesota, along with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the University of Illinois Chicago, and the University of Michigan are hosting a virtual event to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) on Thursday, May 15, 2025. This year’s theme, “Committing to Change”, is about…