(via Julie Hornick, Florida Southern College) Proposals for the LIRT President’s Program at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL (June 22-27, Thursday-Tuesday, 2023) are currently being accepted. Those received by Thursday, December 1, will receive priority consideration. Program Title: “Universal design for learning – planning for all learners” Universal design for learning is an educational…
Author: Eric Edwards
Registration Open for MLA Online Course “Health Services and Policy Research: Sources and Search Strategies 2022” (Thurs., Dec. 1 and 8, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT Both Days)–Limited to 20 Attendees
(via the Medical Library Association) Registration is open for the MLA online course “Health Services and Policy Research: Sources and Search Strategies 2022”. This instructor-led course will take place on Tuesday, December 1, and Tuesday, December 8, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT both days. The cost is $265 for members and $345 for…
Special Call Extended: Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy Commentaries on Access to Information in Carceral Institutions (Deadline Fri., Dec. 2)
(via Dr. Emily Knox, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy Special Call for Papers: Access to Information in Carceral institutions “Book restriction regulations with the United States carceral system represent the largest book ban policy in the United States” (Tager 2019). Despite advocacy on the part of currently and formerly…
Call for Proposals: North American Virtual Reference Online Conference (Feb. 21-23, Tues.-Thurs.)–Deadline Wed., Nov. 30
(via Sarah Kantor, University of Tennessee Chattanooga) The North American Virtual Reference Online Conference, or NAVROC, is accepting proposals for our free conference Tuesday-Thursday, Feb 21-23, 2023. We are seeking proposals for 45-minute sessions and 20-minute lightning talks from virtual reference providers relating to our theme, Emergence: Intersecting Resilience and Sustainability. These sessions will comprise the 2-3…
Call for Proposals: 2023 Conference on Academic Library Management (Online Week of June 5)–Deadline Thurs., Dec. 1
(via Elise Ferer, Binghamton University) Proposals for the Conference on Academic Library Management (CALM) are due on Thursday, December 1, 2022! The third Conference on Academic Library Management, or CALM, taking place virtually the week of June 5, 2023, invites proposals for presentations that inform and inspire the practice and application of management in academic libraries….
Call for Applications: Institute for Research Design in Librarianship 2023 (Online June 5-16, Mon.-Fri.)–Application Period Thurs., Dec. 1 – Fri., Jan. 27
(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) The William H. Hannon Library at Loyola Marymount University is issuing a call for applications for the Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL Online) 2023. IRDL is a continuing education program for academic and research librarians and archivists designed to create a growing community of confident librarian-researchers. The…
Save the Date and Call for Paper and Presentation Proposals: Northern Illinois History and Cultural Heritage Conference (at NIU Campus in DeKalb on Sat., April 22, 2023)–Deadline Fri., Dec. 31
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The Regional History Center at NIU Libraries invites proposals for papers, sessions, panels, and multi-media presentations for the Northern Illinois History and Cultural Heritage Conference. Themed “At the Crossroads of the Urban-Rural Divide: A Conference on Northern Illinois History and Cultural Heritage”, the meeting will take place at the…
UMich Taubman Health Sciences Library and MLA Research Caucus Holding Webinar “Potential Pitfalls in Conducting a Research Study” (Thurs., Nov. 17, at 1:00 PM CDT)–Registration Not Required
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The University of Michigan Taubman Health Sciences Library and the Research Caucus of the Medical Library Association (MLA) invite you to a webinar on Thursday, November 17, at 1:00 PM CDT, titled “Potential Pitfalls in Conducting a Research Study”. The webinar will…
Reminder: Registration Open for Next ACRL STS College Science Librarians Virtual Discussion (Thurs., Nov. 17, at 1:00 PM CDT)–Topic is “Creating Balance and Managing Expectations: Data, Instruction, & Outreach”
(via Elizabeth (Betsy) Sterner, formerly of Governors State University) Please join us for the next ACRL STS (Science & Technology Section) College Science Librarians Virtual Discussion on Thursday, November 17, starting at 1:00 PM CDT. Hear what is happening with colleagues from far and wide, and share strategies that have worked for you in the…
Call for Abstract Proposals: Reference Services Review Special Issue on Inclusive Pedagogies and Services (Deadline Fri., Dec. 2)
(via Sabine Dantus, Florida International University) How do we create cultures of inclusivity in libraries where librarians not only value inclusive principles but enact them in meaningful ways? Reference Services Review (RSR) seeks abstract proposals for Volume 52, Issue 4 – a special issue on inclusive pedagogies and services that offers examples, models, and theories to…