(via Miriam Wnuk, Vanderbilt University) We are pleased to announce that the 21st Annual Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference will once again be held virtually. To help minimize zoom fatigue of attendees and committee members, the Conference will be spread out over two weeks. Thursday, Sept 8 Friday, Sept 9th (workshop day) Wednesday,…
Author: Eric Edwards
Save the Date: 2023 Digital Initiatives Symposium (Mon., April 17 – Tues., April 18, in San Diego, CA)
(via Amanda Makula, University of San Diego) Save the date for the 2023 Digital Initiatives Symposium. It will return to a live format at the University of San Diego in San Diego, California. The meeting will take place on Monday, April 17, and Tuesday, April 18. Please check the Symposium website for more information as…
Registration Open for NNLM Region 3 Health Bytes Webinar “Musicians’ Hearing Health” (Wed., Sept. 14, 9:00-10:00 AM CDT)
(via Rebecca Brown, Network of the National Library of Medicine) Please join Region 3 of NNLM for its monthly webinar, Health Bytes, on Thursday, September 14, from 9:00 to 10:00 AM CDT. This month, Dr. Kensley Behel, Ph.D., from the University of North Texas will be talking about noise-induced hearing loss as a preeminent concern…
Registration Open for ILA Noon Network Webinar “Train the Digital Health Literacy Trainer: Library and Community Partnership” (Mon., Sept. 12, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT)–Presenters Include HSLI Member Stacey Knight-Davis
(via the Illinois Library Association) Registration is open for the ILA Noon Network webinar “Train the Digital Health Literacy Trainer: Library and Community Partnership”. It will take place on Monday, September 12, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CDT. Please see below for more information, including the link to registration. Eastern Illinois University’s Booth Library partnered…
Registration Open for Library Juice Academy Online Course “Accessibility from Legal Compliance to Disability Justice” (Mon., Sept. 5 – Sun., Oct. 2)
(via Library Juice Academy) Registration is open for the Library Juice Academy asynchronous online course “Accessibility from Legal Compliance to Disability Justice”. It will take place from Monday, September 5, to Sunday, October 2. The cost is $200, and the course is worth 1.5 CEUs or 15 PDHs. Please see below for more information, including…
Registration Open for NNLM Online Class “PBC Living Library Project” (Tues., Aug. 23, 1:00-2:30 PM CDT)
(via the Network of the National Library of Medicine) Registration is now open for the NNLM Region 1 – sponsored webinar “PBC Living Library Project”. It will take place on Tuesday, August 23, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM CDT. The class is worth 1.50 CHES credits. Please see below for more information, including the link…
Call for Participation: Survey on Redesigning RAILS Website (Need Responses from Staff at Academic Libraries, in Particular)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) We are currently conducting an online study to help define the menu structure for the RAILS website, which is being redesigned. We are especially interested in getting more feedback from people working at academic libraries. The activity should take 15-20 minutes to complete, and it involves placing items from…
Reminder: Proposals for Free 2022 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries Symposium (Online Thurs., Nov. 17) Due Fri., Sept. 2
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) planning committee is now accepting proposals for the second MIRL Symposium, a free event that will take place virtually on Thursday, November 17 (time to be determined). MIRL is a platform-neutral conference for IR practitioners and…
Call for Participation: Survey on Experiences of Librarians Who Have Moved from Public Services to Technical Services Work
(via Samantha Thompson-Franklin, University of Idaho) We are interested in learning more about the experiences of librarians who have made the move from public services to technical services work. If you have ever changed positions from a public services librarian role to a technical services librarian role, we invite your participation in a short survey. Definitions…
Call for Submissions: “Biz of Digital” Column in Against the Grain
(via Michelle Flinchbaugh–University of Maryland, Baltimore County) “Biz of Digital” is a column in Against the Grain. It features discussions by working librarians on digital collections, digital repositories, digital scholarship, data services, and technology. Its audience is librarians in all types of libraries and vendors of products, services, and systems that support library digital services….