HSLI Members, The office of Treasurer is open for election in August 2022. HSLI members are encouraged to consider running for office or nominating a colleague who is interested in being nominated. Self-nominations are welcome! This is a great opportunity for professional service and leadership development, and there are typically only two HSLI Board meetings…
Author: Eric Edwards
Registration Open for Health Science Librarians of Illinois Annual Conference (Online Wed., Sept. 7 – Fri., Sept. 9)–Deadline Wed., Aug. 31
(via the HSLI Conference Planning Committee) Join us for this year’s Health Science Librarians of Illinois (HSLI) Annual Conference. The Conference will take place online from Wednesday, September 7, to Friday, September 9. Registration is now open on the Conference website. A printable or online form is available. The cost is $20 for HSLI members, $30 for non-members, and…
Call for Chapter Proposals–Upcoming ACRL Publication Innovative Library Workplaces: Transformative Human Resource Strategies (Deadline Fri., Sept. 9)
(via Lisa Hopkins, Texas A&M University-Central Texas) We are seeking chapter proposals for a new edited collection with the working title Innovative Library Workplaces: Transformative Human Resource Strategies Introduction Innovative Library Workplaces will be an edited collection focused on the most important resource at any academic library: the people who work there. This topic will be examined from…
Registration Open for Free Teaching with Primary Sources TPS Fest (Online August 2-4, Tues.-Thurs.)
(via Dr. Marian Toledo Candelaria, Rare Book School at the University of Virginia) Do you teach with primary sources? Would you like to share and learn with other like-minded people with all levels and types of experience? Join the Teaching with Primary Sources community for an informative and fun event filled with a variety of…
Call for Submissions: Special Issue of Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship on Social Justice and Science Librarianship (Rolling Deadline Ending Fri., Sept. 30)
(via Ginny Boehme, Miami University in Ohio) The journal Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship (ISTL) has recently published a four-part column series on social justice (SJ) and science librarianship (fourth part to be published in Issue No. 100). As a culmination to this project, we invite submissions that will amplify the work that Libraries…
Reminder: Poster Session Proposals for 2022 Illinois Library Association Annual Conference in Rosemont, IL (Sessions Oct. 19-20, Wed.-Thurs.) Due Fri., July 29
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Illinois Library Association (ILA) Conference Program Committee invites applications for poster sessions during the 2022 ILA Annual Conference at the Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL. The Conference will take place from Tuesday, October 18, to Thursday, October 20. Poster sessions will be held in the exhibit hall on Wednesday, October…
Registration Open for Upcoming CARLI Professional Development Alliance Webinars (Part 2 of 2)
(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) CARLI is pleased to share upcoming Professional Development Alliance offerings. Please see below for additional information, including links to registration. “Building a Successful Budget” Tuesday, September 13, 1:00-2:30 PM CDT This session will provide attendees with a high-level overview of budgeting in libraries. Ben Mead-Harvey will examine nuances of the word…
Registration Open for Upcoming CARLI Professional Development Alliance Webinars (Part 1 of 2)
(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) CARLI is pleased to share upcoming Professional Development Alliance offerings. Please see below for additional information, including links to registration. “Building the Innovation Lab: A Technology Playground” Tuesday, August 9, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT Learn about the development of the Innovation Lab (iLab), an exciting and expanding community hub that demonstrates what…
Call for Proposals: 2022 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries Symposium (Online Thurs., Nov. 17)–Deadline Fri., Sept. 2
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) planning committee is now accepting proposals for the second MIRL Symposium, a free event that will take place virtually on Thursday, November 17 (time to be determined). MIRL is a platform-neutral conference for IR practitioners…
Call for Proposals Extended: 2022 Florida ACRL Virtual Annual Conference (Fri., Oct. 21)–New Deadline Fri., July 29
(via Rachel Edford, University of Central Florida) The Florida Chapter of ACRL, FACRL, currently seeks proposals for presentations and poster sessions for the 2022 FACRL Virtual Annual Conference. Themed “Information Ethics & Access”, the meeting will take place online Friday, October 21. Information access is one of the cornerstone values of the library profession. How…