(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) CARLI is pleased to invite you to “Deconstructing the CASE Act: Libraries, Users, and Copyright Small Claims,” a webinar presented by Sara R. Benson, Timothy Vollmer, and Carla S. Meyers on Wednesday, August 24, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM CDT. The Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (CASE) Act went into effect…
Author: Eric Edwards
Registration Open for Free Open Texas 2022 Online Conference (Wed., Sept. 21 – Fri., Sept. 23)
(via Ashley Morrison, University of Texas at Austin) The organizers, hosts, and program committee for Open Texas 2022 invite you to register for a free, virtual OER conference on September 21 – 23 (Wednesday-Friday), 2022. The Texas Digital Library (TDL), Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), and Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex) jointly…
Reminder: Proposals for ACRL Digital Scholarship Section’s ResearchDataQ Editorials Due Sun., July 31
(via Lynda Kellam, University of Pennsylvania) The ResearchDataQ Editorial Board (part of the ACRL Digital Scholarship Section), is seeking proposals for editorials that will be featured prominently on the ResearchDataQ website. We are seeking editorials that describe services, support, or related activities around research data at your institution. Topics could include the following. Collaborative data…
Call for Proposals Extended: Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference, “Converging Paths: Digital Scholarship, Social Justice, and Intersecting Communities” (Online Oct. 18-20, Tues.-Thurs.)–New Deadline Sun., July 31
(via Carrie Pirmann, Bucknell University) Stressed about getting your BUDSC22 (Bucknell University Digital Scholarships Conference 2022) proposal in on time? You’re in luck, because we have extended the deadline to Sunday, July 31! We look forward to reading your proposals! The theme of this year’s Conference is “Converging Paths: Digital Scholarship, Social Justice, and Intersecting…
Call for Participation: Survey on Academic Library Services, Including COVID-19 Impact, for Non-Degree-Seeking Older Adults
(via Giovanna Badia, McGill University) My colleague, April Colosimo, and I are interested in learning more about academic library services for non-degree-seeking older adults who are pursuing lifelong learning opportunities. We are also interested in the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on these services. We are looking for survey participants from academic libraries…
Call for Proposals: New Review of Academic Librarianship Special Issue on “Diversifying, Decentering and Decolonizing Academic Libraries” (Deadline Fri., Aug. 19)
(via Dr. Tim Schlak–Director, University Library at Robert Morris University) The New Review of Academic Librarianship is an international journal that publishes reviews, research, critiques and exemplar case studies on substantive topics relevant to those providing library and information services to academic communities. The themed issue for 2023 will be “Diversifying, Decentering and Decolonizing Academic…
Call for Participation: Research Survey on Critical Information Literacy at Academic Institutions
(via Simone Williams, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) Simone Williams, Assistant Professor and Diversity and Engagement Librarian and Elizabeth Kamper, Assistant Professor and Information Literacy Librarian at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, is inviting you to participate in a research study. The goal of this research study is to collect data to determine threat levels to implementing…
Registration Open for AMIA Webinar “Reuniting Films with Their Makers” (Tues., Aug. 2, 12:00-1:30 PM CDT)
(via Laura Rooney, Association of Moving Image Archivists) Registration is open for the AMIA (Association of Moving Image Archivists) webinar “Reuniting Films with Their Makers”. It will take place on Tuesday, August 2, from 12:00 to 1:30 PM CDT. Please see below for more information, including a link to registration. This webinar is part of…
Call for Proposals: Hybrid 7th Empirical Librarians Conference (March 9-10, 2023; In-Person Option in Richmond, VA)–Deadline Fri., Sept. 2, 2022
(via Dana Thompson, Murray State University) We are excited to announce that after a two-year hiatus, the Empirical Librarians Conference will return on March 9-10 (Thursday-Friday), 2023! Empirical Librarians is a small event that specifically focuses on the unique place of original research and original researchers in the larger information environment. We are a place…
Call for Nominations: HSLI Treasurer (Deadline Friday, August 5)
HSLI Members, The office of Treasurer is open for election in August 2022. HSLI members are encouraged to consider running for office or nominating a colleague who is interested in being nominated. Self-nominations are welcome! This is a great opportunity for professional service and leadership development, and there are typically only two HSLI Board meetings…