(via Sarah Allison, Ball State University) Dear Colleagues, Have you participated in the design thinking process within a library setting? Have you used design thinking for problem-solving needs or remodeling of library spaces? Have you used design thinking to refine your library public services? We are working on exploratory research about how design thinking is…
Author: Eric Edwards
Call for Papers: Special Issue of The Journal of Academic Librarianship on Libraries’ Adaptations to the COVID-19 Pandemic (Priority Deadline Thurs., Dec. 1)
(via Bernd Becker, San Jose State University) The sudden changes brought about by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic gave libraries little time to prepare for what was to come. Universities suddenly closed their doors and either shifted services to an online environment or halted them altogether. These changes were equally significant for every function and service…
Call for Participation: Research Survey Measuring Academic Librarians’ Teaching Self-Efficacy Beliefs (Deadline Fri., July 29)
(via David Lemmons, George Mason University) We are writing to ask you to participate in a research survey measuring academic librarians’ teaching self-efficacy beliefs. The purpose of this study is to test a scale for measuring teaching self-efficacy of librarians working in higher education. Any person working in an academic library with teaching responsibilities is…
Call for Host Organizations: “Privacy and Library Learning Analytics” Half-Day Workshop During 2022-2024 (Priority Deadline Mon., Aug. 15, 2022)
(via Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) We are pleased to announce this call for expressions of interest to host the “Privacy and Library Learning Analytics” workshop. The “Privacy and Library Learning Analytics” workshop is an offering of Prioritizing Privacy, a multi-faceted continuing education program to train United States academic library practitioners to…
Registration Open for Two Fall Inquiring Teachers Courses, “Information Literacy in Politically Polarized Times” (Sept. 5 – Oct. 4) and “Scaffolding Information Literacy” (Oct. 17 – Nov. 15)
(via Dr. Andrea Baer, Inquiring Teachers) The following two Inquiring Teachers courses will be offered in the fall of 2022. Monday, September 5 – Tuesday, October 4: “Information Literacy in Politically Polarized Times” (register here) Monday, October 17 – Tuesday, November 15: “Scaffolding Information Literacy” (register here) To register or for inquiries, please e-mail abaer@inquiringteachers.com. In addition to these courses,…
Registration Open for 2022 Illinois Library Association Annual Conference (in Rosemont Oct. 18-20, Tues.-Thurs.)–Early-Bird Deadline Mon., Sept. 26
(via the Illinois Library Association) Registration is now open for the 2022 ILA Annual Conference! We will convene for our first in-person annual conference since 2019 on Tuesday, October 18, through Thursday, October 20, at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, IL. Join us and your colleagues in the Illinois library community to…
Registration Open for FY 2023 Online with the CMC Webinars (August, 2022 – May, 2023)-Part 2 of 2
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) The Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) will be offering Online with the CMC webinars for FY 2023 from August to May. Online with the CMC sessions are online, virtual webinars with a 15-to-20-minute presentation in Zoom, followed by questions and answers. For FY 2023, each webinar will be the second Thursday of each…
Registration Open for FY 2023 Online with the CMC Webinars (August, 2022 – May, 2023)–Part 1 of 2
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) The Cataloging Maintenance Center (CMC) will be offering Online with the CMC webinars for FY 2023 from August to May. Online with the CMC sessions are online, virtual webinars with a 15-to-20-minute presentation in Zoom, followed by questions and answers. For FY 2023, each webinar will be…
Call for Proposals: ACRL Digital Scholarship Section Virtual Professional Development Series (First Deadline Mon., July 18)
(via Taylor Davis-Van Atta, University of Houston) The ACRL Digital Scholarship Section’s Professional Development Committee (PDC), in collaboration with both the Outreach Committee and the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, seeks proposals for its 2022 DSS virtual professional development series. The Committee accepts proposals on a rolling basis, with the following review dates this season:…
Call for Proposals Extended: New Mexico Library Association Conference (in Albuquerque Oct. 26-28, Wed.-Fri.)–New Deadline Fri., July 15
(via Erin Renee Wahl, New Mexico State University) It’s been decided to extend the New Mexico Library Association Conference proposals deadline to Friday, July 15. This year’s Conference will take place in Albuquerque from October 26 to 28 (Wednesday through Friday). The New Mexico Library Association Conference is a great state conference, and I have…