(via the event organizers) Registration is now open for the STEM Librarians Collaborative 2022 Meeting. It will take place online from Wednesday, July 20, to Friday, July 22, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM CDT each day. Science librarianship is changing. We need opportunities for professional development and networking that change with us. Help us create…
Author: Eric Edwards
Call for 2022-2025 Editorial Board Members: Journal of the Medical Library Association (Deadline Thurs., June 30)
(via Alex Carroll, Vanderbilt University) The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) seeks applicants for editorial board members for 2022-2025. In line with our commitment to equity, we wish to use these positions to bring a greater diversity of perspectives and life experiences to our team. Individuals who identify as being from underrepresented groups within LIS…
Reminder: Registration Open for ACRL STS Government Information Update on NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy (Online Mon., June 13, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT)
(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) Join us on Monday, June 13, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT, for the annual ACRL Science & Technology Section Government Information Update! This year’s topic is the new National Institutes of Health (NIH) Data Management and Sharing Policy that will be implemented in January, 2023. The potential impacts…
Registration Open for ALA Webinar “Women in Librarianship and Wellness” (Tues., June 7, at 1:00 PM CDT)–Space Limited
(via the American Library Association) The ALA Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship, or COSWL, will present a complimentary webinar, “Women in Librarianship and Wellness”, on Tuesday, June 7, at 1:00 PM CDT. Recent natural and man-made crises around the world have significantly impacted library workers’ wellness. Join the ALA Committee on the Status…
Final Reminder: Proposals for 2022 Southeastern Resource Sharing Conference (Oct. 13-14 in Nashville, TN) Due Fri., June 3
(via Miriam Wnuk, Vanderbilt University) The planners of the 2022 Southeastern Resource Sharing Conference are still accepting program proposals through Friday, June 3. Presenters are eligible for a discount on Conference registration. The Conference is currently scheduled as an in-person event and will take place from October 13 to 14 (Thursday to Friday) at the…
Call for Applications: Institute for Information Literacy at Purdue $4,000 Research Grants (Deadline Fri., July 15)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Purpose Society faces significant information challenges today, ranging from misinformation campaigns designed to confuse and disempower, to a lack of access to credible information that can have life-altering, disproportionate effects on different communities. Information Literacy researchers can make a positive difference in addressing these unwieldy challenges. With generous funding…
Final Reminder: Paper, Panel Session, and Workshop Proposals for ACRL 2023 Conference (March 15-18 in Pittsburgh) Due Fri., June 3
(via ACRL) ACRL invites proposals for the ACRL 2023 Conference, to be held March 15-18 (Wednesday-Saturday) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Higher education has changed dramatically over the last few years. Academic libraries are addressing an increased emphasis on remote learning, rising calls for social justice, and an acknowledged need for flexibility that supports a sustainable work-life…
Call for Applications: Free Evidence Synthesis Institute for Librarians Supporting Topics Outside of the Health Sciences (Online Aug. 2-5, Tues.-Fri.)–Deadline Mon., June 13
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Applications are now open for the next Evidence Synthesis Institute for librarians. This will be an opportunity to enhance your database searching skills and learn about the possibilities for collaborating with researchers in conducting evidence syntheses across academic areas. On August 2-5 (Tuesday-Friday), the 4th of 6 Institute of…
Call for Chapter Proposals: Upcoming ACRL Book Toward Inclusive Academic Librarian Hiring Practices (Deadline Fri., June 24)
(via Jenny Wong-Welch, San Diego State University) Do you work in an academic library that has recently changed its hiring practices to be more inclusive? Please consider submitting a chapter for an upcoming ACRL book focusing on inclusive academic librarian recruitment. Please see the call for proposals below, and feel free to visit the website…
Save the Date and Call for Proposals: Southeast Data Librarian Symposium (Online Oct. 12-14, Wed.-Fri.)–Deadline Fri., July 15
(via Chantelle Swaren, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) Save the Date The 2022 Southeast Data Librarian Symposium (SEDLS) conference will be held online October 12-14 (Wednesday-Friday). SEDLS provides an opportunity for librarians and other research data specialists to explore developments in the field of data librarianship, including the management and sharing of research data. In addition to learning about new work…