(via Katie Houk–University of Nevada, Las Vegas) Please join the Health Equity & Global Health Hub, in partnership with the Social Justice/Health Disparities and Asian Diaspora Coalition of Medical Libraries Caucuses, on Thursday, May 26, at 1:00 PM CDT, for a free presentation from Gupreet Rana. In the session, “Introducing Global Health Data”, we will accomplish the following….
Author: Eric Edwards
Call for Nominations Extended: Illinois Library Association 2022 Awards (New Deadline Fri., May 27)
(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA Awards Committee has extended the deadline for this year’s award nominations to Friday, May 27. We urge you to visit here, view the list of awards, and nominate someone today! If you submitted a nomination in 2021 or 2020, please contact Tamara Jenkins, at tjenkins@ila.org, to find out how to resubmit for…
Registration Still Open for ILA Career Pathways Talk Series Webinar “How to Retain BIPOC Students and New Professionals in Librarianship” (Wed., May 18, 12:00-1:00 PM)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The ILA Students and New Professionals Forum is hosting its final Career Pathway Talk Series webinar of the season, “How to Retain BIPOC Students and New Professionals in Librarianship”. It will take place from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CDT on Wednesday, May 18, as part of the Illinois Library Association’s Noon Network series. Library professionals will…
Final Reminder: Proposals for STEM Librarians South Conference (Online July 28-29, Thurs.-Fri.) Due Mon., May 16
(via Matt Hayward, University of Texas at San Antonio) We invite you to submit proposals covering content and services in STEM librarianship for STEM Librarians South 2022. The conference will take place online from Thursday, July 28, to Friday, July 29. Applicants can designate their presentation format as a 7-minute lightning talk or a 25-minute session. The deadline is Monday, May 16. To…
Registration Open for Free Upcoming ACRL Science and Technology Section Webinars in June (Part 2 of 2)
(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) The Science and Technology Section (STS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) invites you to join us for as many of our free virtual programs in June, 2022, as you would like. Information for each of the final two sessions is below, along with registration links, where applicable. We hope to…
Registration Open for Free Upcoming ACRL Science and Technology Section Webinars in June (Part 1 of 2)
(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) The Science and Technology Section (STS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) invites you to join us for as many of our free virtual programs in June 2022 as you would like. Information for each of the first three sessions is below, along with registration links, where applicable. We hope to…
Call for Submissions: Student Employment in Academic Libraries Symposium (Online Oct. 20-21, Thurs.-Fri.)–Deadline Fri., June 24
(via Paul Moffett, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) Are you interested in the training, development, and management of student employees? Do you desire conversation, allies, collaborators, ideas, or guidance? Come join the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Library at the Student Employment in Academic Libraries Symposium! We are trying our hand at bringing together a small virtual community…
Call for Participation: Survey on Use of Apps in the Science Instruction Classroom (Deadline Fri., May 27)
(via Denise Wetzel, Pennsylvania State University) I am conducting a survey on the use of apps in the science instruction classroom. Apps for the purposes of this survey are defined as educational applications used on iphone, tablets, or computers that are designed to help learners succeed. Apps mentioned in the survey include, but are not…
Call for Speakers: 2022 Urban Librarians Conference (Online Fri., Sept. 16)–Deadline Tues., May 31
(via Urban Librarians Unite) Urban Librarians Unite is seeking speakers for its 2022 Urban Librarians Conference. Themed “What’s Your Spark?”, this year’s event will take place virtually on Friday, September 16. See below for more details. Using the past few years as a lens to focus on what we value the most, let’s talk about how we…
Call for Submissions: ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table Newsletter’s June Issue on Role of Libraries in Addressing Poverty and Homelessness (Deadline Mon., May 30)
(via Dr. Julie Ann Winkelstein–University of Tennessee, Knoxville) The ALA SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table) Newsletter is always looking for good articles, essays, and letters to the editor. The next submission deadline is Monday, May 30. The theme for the June, 2022, issue of the SRRT Newsletter is “poverty and homelessness”. What would you like to share about the work your library has done in…