(via Emily Johnson-Barlow, UIC Library of the Health Sciences – Peoria) The Health Science Librarians of Illinois (HSLI) Annual Conference Planning Committee would like to invite library students to attend the organization’s Annual Conference this fall. It is currently scheduled to take place in person at the Starved Rock Lodge & Conference Center in Oglesby, IL, from Wednesday, September 7, to Friday, September…
Author: Eric Edwards
Reminder: Proposals for CARLI Instruction Showcase (Online Fri., May 20) Due Mon., April 18, at 5:00 PM CDT
(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI) The CARLI Instruction Committee is seeking presentation proposals for the 10th annual Instruction Showcase, held virtually on Friday, May 20. CARLI members are welcome to submit proposals on all library instruction topics and are encouraged to draw inspiration from the committee’s theme this year, “Re-imagining Instruction After Disruption”. Submission Timeline Proposals due Monday, April 18,…
Call for Proposals: Special Libraries Association Midwest Symposium (Online Fri., June 10, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM CDT)–Deadline Mon., May 9
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The SLA (Special Libraries Association) Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and St. Louis communities invite you to share your knowledge and experiences! Take part in an exciting annual virtual event featuring colleagues from around the Midwest. This year’s theme is the Transformation of Librarianship. SLA membership is…
Call for Presenters: ACRL DOLS Webinar “Designing Accessible and Inclusive Online Tutorials” (Mon., June 6, at 1:00 PM CDT)–Deadline Mon., May 2
(via Ashley Hoffman, Kennesaw State University) The ACRL Distance and Online Learning Section (DOLS) Conference Program Planning Committee and Discussion Group are soliciting speakers for their jointly-sponsored panel presentation, “Designing Accessible and Inclusive Online Tutorials”. This free program will be a 60-minute interactive panel presentation held virtually on Monday, June 6, at 1:00 PM CDT. The…
Call for Participation: Survey on Copyright and Access of Scholarly Materials in Academic Libraries
(via Zoe Mackey–Queens College, City University of New York) My name is Zoe, and I am a current graduate student at CUNY Queens College conducting research for my thesis project on copyright, access, and digital practices surrounding scholarly materials in academic libraries. I have created two surveys, one for academic librarians and one for undergraduate…
Final Reminder: Submissions for Spring Issue of ACRL Instruction Section Newsletter Due Mon., April 18
(via Lori DuBois, Instruction Section Newsletter editor) Are you thinking about submitting an article about your instruction experiences for the Spring issue of ACRL’s Instruction Section Newsletter? We’d love to hear about it! The deadline is coming up on Monday, April 18. We are interested in short articles (2050-500 words) about your instruction experiences. Topics of interest include the following….
Registration Open for Carterette Webinar “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Use of Academic Library Resources” (Wed., May 4, at 1:00 PM CDT)
(via Emily Williams, Georgia State University) The Georgia Library Association Carterette Series Webinars presents “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Use of Academic Library Resources”. It will take place on Wednesday, May 4, at 1:00 PM CDT. Please see below for additional information, including instructions for registering. Description: During the spring of 2020, libraries around…
Registration Open for Distance Library Services 2022 Conference (Virtual and In-Person, July 26-28 in West Lafayette, IN)–Early Deadline Fri., June 10
(via Katie Stewart, Johns Hopkins University) Registration for the Distance Library Services 2022 (DLS22) Conference is now open! DLS22 will be a hybrid in-person and virtual conference held July 26 – July 28 (Tuesday – Thursday) at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. Entering its 40th year, the Distance Library Services Conference is the principal professional gathering for the presentation…
Registration Open for NNLM Asynchronous Online Course “Beyond an Apple a Day: Providing Consumer Health Information at Your Library” (Mon., May 9 – Sun., June 6)
(via Rebecca Brown, Network of the National Library of Medicine) “Beyond an Apple a Day: Providing Consumer Health Information at Your Library” is a 4-week, self-paced, 4 credit-hour online class in Moodle that covers the health information-seeking behavior of consumers and the role of the librarian in the provision of health information for the public. Learn about the evolution of consumer…
Reminder: Applications for ALA COVID Library Relief Fund Due Thurs., April 21 (Recording and Slides from Informational Webinar Now Available)
(via the American Library Association) The American Library Association (ALA) will make available $1.55M in emergency relief grants to more than 75 libraries this year that have experienced substantial economic hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic. The ALA COVID Library Relief Fund invites Public, School, Academic, Tribal, and Correctional libraries across the United States and US Territories to apply for grants of $20,000. These funds are intended to bolster library operations and services including broadening…