(via Diane Foote, ILA Executive Director) Campus Compact is potentially interested in hosting a webinar in early November targeted at campuses to address how they can use their libraries as complete count partners for the upcoming census. As we know, Illinois stands to lose at least one, and possibly two, Congressional seats following the 2020…
Author: Eric Edwards
Information About Outings During This Week’s HSLI Conference
(sent on behalf of the HSLI Conference Planning Committee’s Publicity Subcommittee) We all know how much sitting goes on during a conference and it might be nice to get out for some physical activity during your time at HSLI. Here are a few things to consider: There will be a Sunrise Walk Thursday morning from…
Call for Contributors: New Illinois Library Association Blog, ILA Connector
ILA is seeking contributors for a new pilot program: a member-led blog, the ILA Connecter! We invite you to join us in this collaborative effort in connecting, communicating and engaging across Illinois libraries. We hope that this blog will serve as a medium to not only offer resources and support, but also to foster professional relationships…
Final Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for Midwest Chapter/MLA 2019 (Oct. 4-7 in Milwaukee) Ends Friday, Sept. 13
(via Rita Sieracki, Medical College of Wisconsin) Greetings from Milwaukee! Photo credit: VisitMilwaukee Register now! Early bird registration for the conference is ending this Friday, September 13, along with the conference hotel rate. Book your hotel room now in order to get the special conference rate! CE News Attend the Libraries as a Disaster Recovery…
Call for Submissions: ACRL Instruction Section’s Fall Newsletter (Deadline Sept. 18)
(via Lori DuBois, Williams College) The IS Newsletter is soliciting content for the Fall issue! The Newsletter editors would love to have your content that addresses: Active learning techniques Learning object creation Student learning outcomes & pedagogy Assessment Instructional design (universal, backward, accessibility, etc.) Instruction for special populations (e.g., faculty, international students, administrators, etc.) and…
Reminder: RAILS and IACRL Seeking Presenters for Joint Online Event on Promoting the Value of Academic Libraries (November 5, 10:00-11:30 AM) — Deadline Friday, Sept. 13
(via Dan Bostrom, RAILS) This fall, in conjunction with the My Library Is campaign, RAILS and IACRL will co-host an online event to help academic libraries promote and articulate their value. This event will take place on Tuesday, November 5, 10:00 – 11:30 AM. To help with this event, academic librarians are invited to submit…
Registration Open for Inaugural Chicago Research Summit (October 18 at North Park University)
(via Cathy Mayer, Trinity Christian College) On October 18th, faculty, staff, & librarians are invited to the campus of North Park University for the inaugural Chicago Research Summit! A registration fee of only $30 will provide access to a wealth of information, including: Keynote: David Van Zytveld, Director of Loyola University’s Center for Urban Research…
Upcoming Training Sessions Available From the Cataloging Maintenance Center
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) The following upcoming sessions are available through the Cataloging Maintenance Center. A general description of the series, along with more detail on each individual session, is below. Please direct any questions or comments, including ideas for topics that future sessions could cover, to Dr. Pamela Thomas, SHARE…
Reminder: Deadline to Submit Workshop Proposals for Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference (March 8-11, 2020, in Austin, TX) is Sept. 9
(via Lindsay Lowry, University of Alabama) Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference, 2020 Proposals Deadline Monday, September 9 A note from the Workshop Chair: “The Workshop Committee aims to match the diverse interests and experience of conference attendees by offering a wide selection of hands-on, practical sessions. Whether you lead a 101 session on a fundamental…
Registration Open for October 3 RAILS Member Update
(via RAILS) All staff from all types of RAILS libraries are invited to join us for the next member update on Thursday, October 3, from 10 a.m.-noon. You can participate at a scheduled videoconference location or via Zoom. RAILS will be using Zoom (web conference/webinar) for our member updates moving forward. Choose Zoom as your location when…