(via the American Library Association) The LLAMA Mentoring Committee is recruiting for both mentors and mentees for our July 2019 – June 2020 year. The LLAMA Mentoring Program, http://www.ala.org/llama/llama-mentoring-program, pairs librarians who are currently in leadership positions with librarians who are interested in becoming leaders. Mentor application: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2019mentors Mentee application: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2019mentees For mentors, it is a chance to pass on…
Author: Eric Edwards
Registration Open for Forum on Volunteering for ACRL Committees and Groups (December 3 at 1:00 PM CST)
(via ACRL) To make the appointments process more transparent, the ACRL Membership Committee invites all new members and anyone who would like to get more involved in ACRL to join us on Monday, December 3 at 1:00 pm CST for a free online forum explaining how the ACRL committee appointment process works. Moderator Jodie Borgerding,…
Registration Open for “Defeating the Bullies and Trolls in the Library” Conference (3/8/19 at Skokie PL)–UIUC’s Dr. Nicole Cooke is Organizer
(via RAILS) This one-day conference will be held at Skokie Public Library, Friday, March 8, 2019. Morning sessions will consist of panels meant to situate the problems and raise awareness of the complicating factors. After lunch, the afternoon sessions will consist of interactive sessions designed to elicit solutions and strategies. Register and get more information<https://railslibraries.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2c51285b8d63e23716bce030f&id=b85bb12683&e=6883f1b9eb>…
CARLI Instruction Committee holding First Inclusive Information Literacy Twitter Chat at 12:00 PM on Dec. 7
(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI) The CARLI Instruction committee is excited to be hosting our first Twitter Chat! Join us on Friday, December 7th @ 12pm, CST in conversations around cultivating learning environments for students with diverse identities #inclusiveinfolit What is a Twitter Chat? A Twitter chat is a public Twitter conversation around one unique hashtag! Use the #inclusiveinfolit hashtag to follow the discussion and participate…
Reminder: Nominations for Routledge Distance Learning Librarianship Conference Sponsorship Award Due Friday, December 7
(via Melissa Atkinson, Abilene Christian University) Do you know or could you be the next recipient of the Routledge Distance Learning Librarianship Conference Sponsorship Award? If so, the Distance Learning Section (DLS) of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) wants to hear from you! This prestigious award, sponsored by the Routledge, Taylor &…
Reminder: Submissions Deadline for CLS Innovation in College Librarianship Award is Friday, December 7
(via Susan Schreiner, Pittsburg State University) The ACRL College Libraries Section Innovation in College Librarianship Award Deadline: Friday, December 7, 2018 Why should I apply for an innovation award in college librarianship? you may ask. College libraries across the land are coming up with new and innovative ways to connect with their students and faculty and demonstrate…
Reminder: APA Travel Award Applications Due Friday, November 30
(via Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Illinois Wesleyan University) Do you work in an academic or health sciences library in the United States? Are you an early- or mid-career librarian? Are you looking for sources of funding for a conference you’d like to attend next spring? If the answer to all of those questions is yes, please consider…
Registration Open for “Policy and Communications for an Accessible Library” Online Presentation (1:00 PM CST on Dec. 11)
(via Sam Harlow, University of North Carolina at Greensboro) The ACRL ULS Professional Development Committee invites you to: Policy and Communications for an Accessible Library Presented online via Zoom by Angie Brunk, MLS, MA Tuesday, December 11th, 2018, 1pm CST Register here You want your library to be a welcoming place for all students, including students…
Call for Submissions: ILA Reporter “Library Buildings 2018” Feature (Deadline Dec. 20)
(via the Illinois Library Association) Has your library undergone renovations or new building in 2018? Share the news with the library community by submitting the project for the ILA Reporter “Library Buildings 2018” article in the February 2019 issue. Submissions should include: At least one high-resolution image of the exterior At least one high-resolution of…
Call for Panelists: Session on Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning at 2019 ALA Annual (Deadline 12/21/18)
(via Sam Harlow, University of North Carolina at Greensboro) Are you a librarian with experience with accessibility, creation of online learning objects, and applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL)? Then we want to hear from you! The ACRL Distance Learning Section (DLS) has teamed up with the ACRL Instruction Section (IS) and are looking for…