(via John Oliver, The College of New Jersey) Are you using the Framework to assess, structure, or advocate for first-year information literacy learning? Care to be an ACRL co-panelist? Student transitions to college are challenging and ever-evolving. From their very first days in our classrooms, we want students to learn what they need to know…
Author: Eric Edwards
Rockford as a Destination: Health Science Librarians of Illinois 2018 Annual Conference (September 26-28)
(via Ramune Kubilius, Northwestern University) “Rivers of Data, Streams of Knowledge” is the theme of the 2018 HSLI (Health Science Librarians of Illinois) Annual Conference that will take place September 26-28 in Rockford, IL at the newly renovated Cliffbreakers Riverside Hotel & Conference Center. Visit the website to see photos of the hotel, located above…
Reminder: Registration Deadline for Targeting Autism Forum is Friday, April 20
(via Suzanne Schriar, Illinois State Library) The Targeting Autism Forum will be held on May 17-18, 2018 in the atrium of the State Library in Springfield. The full agenda for the forum is available at the State Library’s website. To register, send an email to Suzanne Schriar with a subject line that reads, “Registration for…
Registration Open for ACRL STS Information-Literacy Chat Discussion on April 18, “Active and Engaged Teaching in the Sciences”
(via Allison Brungard, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania) Please join us Wednesday, April 18, at 1:00 PM CDT, for the monthly discussion hosted by the ACRL STS Information Literacy committee. This month Courtney Mlinar, Head Librarian (Elgin Campus) / Associate Professor at Austin Community College, will lead our discussion: “”Active and Engaged Teaching in the…
Registration Open for May 2 Carterette Webinar “Engaging Students Through Images: Visual Literacy as Active Learning in Library Instruction”
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago) Engaging Students Through Images: Visual Literacy as Active Learning in Library Instruction Wednesday, May 2, 2018 1:00 PM CDT Description: In this webinar, the presenter will share ways to integrate images to enhance student engagement and learning. From using politically charged images to fake images, these active…
Simon Fraser University’s Karen Munro Chosen ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect
(via Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL Executive Director) Karen Munro, associate dean of libraries, learning, and research services at Simon Fraser University, has been elected ACRL vice-president/president-elect. She will become president-elect following the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans and assume the presidency in July 2019 for a one-year term. “I am honored and excited…
Reminder: Deadline to Volunteer for a CARLI Committee is Friday, April 27
(via Michelle Haake, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) Each year CARLI has a number of opportunities to serve on various committees. Service on CARLI committees affords individuals a unique opportunity to use their experience and expertise to help shape the future of the consortium and its services. CARLI is now seeking volunteers…
Early Registration for 2018 Midwest Chapter/MLA Conference Opens Saturday, April 14
(via Theresa Kline, Cleveland Clinic) Early Bird Registration opens this Saturday, April 14th, for the 2018 Midwest Chapter/MLA Conference in Cleveland, Ohio! We are excited to have you join us for three days of fun in the city of Rock and Roll! Some of the conference highlights include the following: Take a CE class on…
Reminder: ACRL 2019 Program Proposals Due May 4
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago) Share your research and creative endeavors with your colleagues at ACRL 2019 – Recasting the Narrative. Contributed paper, panel session, preconference, and workshop proposals are due Friday, May 4, 2018. Submit your proposal via the Call for Participation. Why Present at ACRL 2019? Advocate for your research, project, or initiative. Expand your…
Call for Proposals: 2018 Medical Library Association Midcontinental Chapter’s Virtual Annual Meeting (Deadline June 15)
(via Christi Piper, University of Colorado Denver) The Program Committee invites paper and lightning talk proposal submissions on any health sciences librarianship topic for the 2018 Midcontinental (MCMLA) Virtual Chapter Meeting. This year’s theme is “Partners in Progress. . . Exploring the Possibilities”. The meeting will take place online on October 4th and 5th. The…