(via Maggie Murphy, University of North Carolina at Greensboro) I am looking to interview instruction librarians working in particular roles in college and university libraries for a book I am co-writing about library instruction for first-year college students: someone with the title of “First-Year Experience Librarian” (or something similar) who does library instruction for first-year…
Author: Eric Edwards
Early-Bird Registration for Distance Library Services Conference Ends Feb. 18
(via Thad Dickinson, Central Michigan University) The Distance Library Services Conference serves as a forum to discuss, demonstrate, and champion the techniques, trends, and theories of providing library services at a distance and in the online environment. The Conference will be held April 11-13, 2018, at the Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk in downtown San…
ACRL Science and Technology Section Holding Info. Lit. Chat, “Integrating the ACRL Framework in STEM Graduate Courses”, on Feb. 5
(via Kristen Cooper, University of Minnesota) Please join us Monday, February 5th, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT for the monthly discussion hosted by the ACRL STS Information Literacy committee. This month Nashieli Marcano, STEM Research Librarian from Clemson University will lead our discussion : “Integrating the ACRL Framework in STEM Graduate Courses.” Discussion Description: As academic libraries…
Seeking Responses to Survey on Interlibrary Loan and Accessibility
(via Tim Hickey, State University of New York at Purchase) I am conducting research regarding assistive learning technologies, accessibility, and ILL services. As ILL practitioners, I would love to hear about your experience in this area. If you have a couple spare minutes I ask that you take this very short survey. Here is the…
Call for Proposals: Northwest ILL & Resource Sharing 2018 Conference (Deadline March 8)
(via Sagan Lindsay Wallace, Concordia University) The 17th annual Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference will take place September 13-14 2018, at Portland State University in downtown Portland, Oregon. Look for registration opening sometime in April 2018. Our Keynote speaker this year will be Trevor A. Dawes, Vice Provost for Libraries and Museums and…
Call for Proposals: 8th Annual Responsible Conduct of Research and Academic Integrity Conference (Deadline Feb. 16)
(via Jennifer Kelley, College of DuPage) 8th Annual Responsible Conduct of Research and Academic Integrity Thursday, June 14 and Friday, June 15, 2018 College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, IL Conference sessions will apply to a broad disciplinary audience. Interactive sessions with active audience participation will address Responsible Conduct of Research, Research Ethics, Academic Integrity,…
CopyTalk Series Offering February 1 Webinar, “Copyright Librarian Starter Kit”
(via Cindy Kristof, Kent State University) Many librarians are finding themselves in the position of being the local copyright expert. Some of these librarians are professionals who applied for a formal copyright librarian posting. However, other librarians are tasked with taking on copyright, to fill a growing yet unclear need in their organization, while retaining…
Call for Papers: American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division, Library Science Symposium (Deadline April 2)
(via Amy Besnoy, University of San Diego) AAAS, Pacific Division 99th Annual Conference Pomona, CA, June 12-15, 2018 Call For Papers: Library Science Symposium General and Interdisciplinary Section (Conference info: http://pacific.aaas.org/2018POMONA/index.html) Final deadline for submission: April 2, 2018. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis, so early submission is highly encouraged! The American Association for the…
Call for Committee Volunteers: ACRL College Libraries Section
(via Dena Hutto, Reed College) Would you like to expand your professional network and contribute to the advancement of college libraries? Serving on a committee is a great way to become involved in ACRL and make an impact on our profession. If this sounds interesting to you, I encourage you to volunteer to serve on…
2017 Annual Conference Report: Ann Zettervall
I had the honor of being selected as a Syed Maghrabi Conference Scholarship recipient to the 2017 HSLI Annual Conference. As an MSLIS student at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, I am relatively new to the field of health science librarianship. This conference not only marked my first health science conference, but also, it…