(via Meredith Powers, Brooklyn Public Library) The 2017 LITA Forum Committee seeks proposals for the 20th Annual Forum of the Library Information and Technology Association, which will take place in Denver, Colorado, from November 9 to November 12. The Forum Committee welcomes proposals for full-day preconferences, concurrent sessions, workshops, or poster sessions related to all…
Author: Eric Edwards
Recording of May, 2017, NN/LM – GMR Update Now Available
(via Molly Roberts, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) Couldn’t make it to yesterday’s GMR Update? Don’t worry! A recording of the update is now available on YouTube. Below is an annotated list of the topics discussed with links to each talking point in the YouTube video. If you have any…
Call for Volunteers and Appointments: NMRT Resume Review Onsite Service at ALA Annual
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) The NMRT Resume Review Service Committee is recruiting volunteer resume reviewers and booth greeters, in addition to taking resume review appointments for the 2017 ALA Annual Meeting. More information is below. Are you on the job market? Is your resume rusty? Are you attending Annual in Chicago? Join us…
RAILS Offering May 24 Service Learning and Information Literacy Webinar
(via Debbie Baaske, RAILS) RAILS is offering a free webinar called “Connecting Pedagogies: Service Learning and Information Literacy” on Wednesday, May 24, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CST. This live webinar will outline how the pedagogy that underlies service learning also foregrounds the pedagogy of information literacy. Learn how to connect service learning and information literacy through…
Registration Still Open for May 17 NISO Virtual Conference, “Convergence: The Web and Publishing Onto The Web”
(via the National Information Standards Organization) You still have time to register for next week’s NISO Virtual Conference. The conference will take place on Wednesday, May 17, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM CST. The theme, “Convergence: The Web and Publishing Onto the Web”, will cover what it could mean for your organization, should book production shift…
Feedback Wanted on Potential RAILS Overlay Software
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI, on behalf of Jane Plass, RAILS) The Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) potential overlay project aims to provide library users with seamless access to the online catalogs of consortia and standalone libraries that choose to participate. RAILS is calling it an overlay to emphasize that it will supplement, not replace, existing online…
Call for Proposals: #BUDSC17, “Looking Forward, Looking Back: The Evolution of Digital Scholarship”
Bucknell University, with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will host its fourth annual digital scholarship conference (#BUDSC17) from Friday, October 6, to Sunday, October 8. The theme of the conference is “Looking Forward, Looking Back: The Evolution of Digital Scholarship”. #BUDSC17 is committed to expanding the definition of digital scholarship to be more inclusive…
Call for Reviewers: Choice/ACRL’s Resources for College Libraries
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) Resources for College Libraries (RCL), the Choice/ACRL bibliography of essential titles for undergraduate teaching and research, seeks experienced subject librarians to serve as referees for the peer review of its arts and humanities disciplines. Referees are tasked with reviewing the subject bibliography comprehensively for breadth and depth, providing recommendations for editorial…
Registration Open for May 18 NN/LM – GMR Webinar, “Strategies for Engaging Underserved Communities”
(via Darlene Kaskie, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) It takes a village to improve the health of persons living in medically underserved areas. Join the one-hour GMR webinar to learn strategies for partnering with underserved health communities to promote health information. “Strategies for Engaging Underserved Communities” will take place on Thursday,…
GLA/Carterette Webinar on June 7: “Advancing into Academic Library Middle Management”
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) The Georgia Library Association will host a webinar in its Carterette Series, “Movin’ on Up: Advancing into Academic Library Middle Management”, on Wednesday, June 7, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CST. The webinar will address several main issues related to career advancement into middle management. Can an academic librarian who has…