The following Illinois academic librarians presented at the 2017 ALA Midwinter Meeting. This year’s even took place in Atlanta, GA, from January 20 to 24. John Hernandez (Web & Mobile Services Librarian, Northwestern University) LITA User Experiences Interest Group (Moderator) Dr. Scott Walter (University Librarian, DePaul University) ALA Presidential Candidates Forum Dr. Dane Ward (Dean of Milner Library, Illinois…
Author: Eric Edwards
Nominate a Colleague for the Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award (Deadline May 15)
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) Do you have a colleague who has done wonderful work in an academic library? Have they done important research? Have they provided exemplary service to professional organization? The Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries and the Illinois Library Association are looking for nominations for the Illinois Academic Librarian…
CARLI Instruction Showcase Call for Proposals Extended to May 1
(via Lorna Engels, CARLI) The call for proposals for presentations at the fifth annual Instruction Showcase has been extended until Monday, May 1. More information is below. The CARLI Instruction Committee is seeking presentation proposals for the fifth annual Instruction Showcase, to be held Thursday, June 15, at National Louis University, Wheeling, IL. Staff from CARLI member…
RAILS Grants Available for Collaborative Projects Between Different Library Types
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) For libraries in the RAILS service area, we are offering a limited number of grants ($2,500 maximum per grant) to encourage member libraries of different types (academic, public, school, and special) to work together on collaborative projects. Each grant project must include at least two different types of libraries….
Call for Proposals: Indiana University Libraries Information Literacy Colloquium (Deadline May 12)
(via Nancy Wootton Colborn, Indiana University South Bend) The IU Libraries Information Literary Colloquium invites proposals for a one-day conference on Thursday, August 3, at the IU Southeast campus in New Albany, Indiana. The current sociopolitical climate has brought terms such as “fake news” and “alternative facts” into our collective discourse. Academic librarians are already concerned with…
Call for Proposals: 18th Distance Library Services Conference
(via Kelly McCallister, Appalachian State University) The 18th Distance Library Services Conference is going deep into the heart of Texas in 2018, and we want you to be a part of it! The event will take place at The Hyatt Regency in beautiful downtown San Antonio, from Wednesday, April 11, to Friday, April 13. The expected turnout…
Call for Submissions and Nominations for PRIMO
(via Jennifer Sharkey, Illionis State Univesity) The Peer Reviewed Instructional Materials Online (PRIMO) Committee of the ACRL Instruction Section invites you to submit your online information literacy tutorial, virtual tour, or other online library instruction project for review and possible inclusion in PRIMO: Peer-Reviewed Instructional Materials Online. The deadlines for Spring, 2017, are Tuesday, April 25 (nominations) and Tuesday, May…
Webinar on May 24: “The Importance of Mapping to the ACRL Standards for Distance Learning Library Services”
(via Kelly McCallister, Appalachian State University) The North Carolina Library Association, College & University Section, is sponsoring a free webinar, “The Importance of Mapping to the ACRL Standards for Distance Learning Library Services“. The webinar will take place on Wednesday, May 24, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CST. To register for the webinar, click here. To register for…
Call for Proposals: 2017 LITA Forum (Deadline May 19)
(via Meredith Powers, Brooklyn Public Library) The 2017 LITA Forum Committee seeks proposals for the 20th Annual Forum of the Library Information and Technology Association, which will take place in Denver, Colorado, from November 9 to November 12. The Forum Committee welcomes proposals for full-day preconferences, concurrent sessions, workshops, or poster sessions related to all types…
Registration Open for 5th Biennial Zar Symposium (Open Data: Science, Health, Community)
(via Sarah Wenzel, University of Chicago) Registration is now open for the 5th Biennial Kathleen A. Zar Symposium, titled Open Data: Science, Health, Community. The event will take place on Friday April 28, at the University of Chicago’s John Crerar Library. To register, click here. More information, including a schedule of the day’s events, is below. Description Open…