(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) Public Services Quarterly (PSQ), published by Taylor & Francis, covers a broad spectrum of public service issues in academic libraries, including reference and research assistance, information literacy instruction, access and delivery services, and other services to patrons. Book reviewers are sought to contribute to this quarterly journal. Titles are available…
Author: Eric Edwards
University of Chicago’s Kristin Martin Elected ALCTS President for 2018-2019
(via the American Library Association) Kristin E. Martin, electronic resources management librarian, University of Chicago, has been elected the 2018-2019 President of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS). She previously held positions in electronic resources management and cataloging at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of North Carolina at…
LITA AdaCamp Scholarship Available (Application Deadline is Saturday, April 15)
(via Abigail Goben) Do you want to participate in LITA’s AdaCamp, a one-day unconference for women in library technology, at ALA Annual in Chicago? Would travel funding help you to attend? Thanks to support from our sponsors, LITA is offering several $500 travel scholarships. The scholarships will be awarded competitively, based on the committee’s ranking…
LITA AdaCamp at ALA Annual 2017 (Facilitators are Margaret Heller, Loyola, and Evviva Weinraub, Northwestern)
(via Abigail Goben) Women in technology face numerous challenges in their day-to-day work. If you would like to join other women in the field to discuss topics related to those challenges, AvramCamp is for you. This one-day LITA preconference at ALA Annual in Chicago will allow female-identifying individuals employed in various technological industries an opportunity…
ALA Releases Results of 2017 Elections
(via the American Library Association) The American Library Association has released the results of the 2017 elections. A number of Illinois academic librarians ran for office. Dr. Scott Walter, University Librarian at DePaul University, lost a very close race for ALA President-Elect. He came in second out of three candidates, with 35.2 percent of the…
Reminder: CARLI Seeking Committee Volunteers (Deadline Friday, April 28)
(via Michelle Haake, CARLI) Each year, CARLI has a number of opportunities to serve on various committees. Service on CARLI committees affords individuals a unique opportunity to use their experience and expertise to help shape the future of the consortium and its services. CARLI is now seeking volunteers to serve on nine advisory committees. Volunteers…
Next NN/LM – GMR Update is Monday, April 17 (2:00-3:00 PM)
(via Elizabeth Kiscaden, Associate Director for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) I’d like to invite you to our monthly GMR Update broadcast, to be held on Monday, April 17, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM CST. This live broadcast will provide you with news from the GMR, including the following topics. announcements…
Reminder: Registration for CARLI Collections Data Analysis and Maintenance Forum Closes April 12
(via Elizabeth Clarage, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) This is a reminder that registration for the 2017 CARLI Collections Data Analysis and Maintenance Forum, jointly sponsored by the Collection Management and Technical Services Committees, closes on Wednesday, April 12. The link for registering is here. More information is below. The Collections Data Analysis and…
National Network of Libraries of Medicine Hosting April 26 Webinar on ACRL Framework
(via Molly Knapp, University of Utah) The NNLM National Training Office invites you to a one-hour webinar, titled “Teaching Topics: Get in the Picture – ACRL Framework and You”, about the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy and its impact on health sciences libraries. The Framework replaced ACRL’s Information Literacy Competency Standards (2000) in May, 2016. How are we responding? Five librarians offer their…
RAILS Hosting April 17 Session on FOLIO Library Services Platform
(via Debbie Baaske, RAILS) Join Christopher Holly, Director of Software as a Service Innovation for EBSCO Information Services, as he explores what FOLIO, a new library services platform built for innovation, can mean for libraries. Participants will also hear an overview of the growing FOLIO community, its infrastructure, and ways to become involved. This event…