(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) Welcome to the new home of the IACRL listserv! This list is a forum for any information relevant to academic libraries in Illinois. All subscribers to the old list were migrated, so there is no need to resubscribe. You may submit messages to the new list at iacrl@list.railslibraries.info starting today….
Author: Eric Edwards
New E-Newsletter for Staff at RAILS Academic Libraries Now Available
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) RAILS has received many requests for a newsletter with information specifically for our academic libraries. The first issue is now available at: https://www.railslibraries.info/news/newsletters/academic. RAILS plans to issue this e-newsletter periodically in the future. If you would like to receive future issues, please subscribe at: https://www.railslibraries.info/news/newsletters/academic. Please share this information with…
ILA Seeking Program Proposals for 2016 Annual Conference
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) The 2016 ILA Annual Conference theme, “Discovery Advocacy Leadership”, focuses on how libraries and library staff serve as community leaders to support life-long learning and engagement within Illinois communities. Actively share ideas by submitting a conference proposal and joining the conversation! The ILA Annual Conference Program Committee is seeking programs…
NN/LM-GMR Webinars on Hospital Libraries (12/8) and PubMed (12/17)
The National Network of Libraries of Medicine – MidContinental Region is sponsoring two webinars this month that may be of interest to librarians who work in a hospital setting or who focus on medicine or the biosciences. Both webinars are free, and no pre-registration is required. Each webinar is worth 1 hour of continuing education-credit…
Opening for Director of the Medical Library at SIU School of Medicine
(via Rhona Kelley, SIU School of Medicine) *Director, Medical Library* *Southern Illinois University School of Medicine* ** Located in Springfield Illinois, SIU School of Medicine is internationally known for its innovative teaching and testing methods, including a competency-based curriculum and a dedication to training caring and competent physicians.It is a setting rich with opportunities for…
Deadline for NMRT Shirley Olofson Memorial Award is December 14
(via Lindsay Harmon, IACRL Vice-President/President-Elect) The NMRT Shirley Olofson Memorial Award Committee is seeking applicants for a $1,000 award, intended to defray the costs of attending the ALA Annual Conference. Shirley Olofson was a well-respected NMRT President who died during her term of office. After her death, the NMRT Executive Board decided to authorize the…
IFLA Information Literacy Section Preconference to be Held August 11-12
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) Call for Papers-Information and Artifactual Literacies: Engaging Minds in Libraries and Museums IFLA Information Literacy Section Satellite Preconference DePaul University, Lincoln Park Campus Chicago, Illinois, USA August 11-12th, 2016 Co-sponsored by Association of College & Research Libraries and DePaul University Library You are invited to submit a proposal for this…
RAILS to Hold Mini-Networking-Session Before Member Update on December 10
(via Debbie Baaske, RAILS) RAILS will hold a 30-minute mini-networking-event at the Illinois Library Association’s (ILA’s) Chicago office (33 West Grand Avenue, Suite 401) at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, December 10. You will learn about a variety of RAILS-sponsored networking opportunities and this information will be targeted to the libraries that register. All staff from…
Volunteer for an ACRL Committee
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) Are you looking for ways to expand your professional network and contribute to ACRL? Committee volunteers help shape ACRL by advancing its strategic plan and influencing the direction of academic and research librarianship. Serving on a committee is one of the best ways to become involved and make an impact…
ACRL Immersion Program Deadline is December 4
Are you an instruction librarian who is looking to expand or improve the information-literacy services your library provides? Consider applying for the ACRL Information Literacy Immersion Program’s Teacher or Program tracks. Working with colleagues in a collaborative environment, participants will have the opportunity not just to learn the latest instructional theories and methods, but to…