(via Dawn Behrend, Dean of University Libraries at Lenoir-Rhyne University) The ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) invites you to join us for our annual virtual discussions forum on Wednesday, February 5, at 1:00 PM CDT. The forum is titled Finding Common Ground: Using the Psychology Companion Document for Strategic Outreach. Please see below…
Author: Eric Edwards
Reminder: First HSLI Coffee & Conversation of 2025 Online Thursday, January 16, at 3:00 PM CDT
(via Frances Drone-Silvers, HSLI Secretary) Happy New Year! I hope you can join us for an informal chat session–HSLI Coffee & Conversation–on Thursday, January 16, at 3:00 PM CDT via Teams. No agenda and not recorded–bring your wins, losses, challenges to share. How are you doing with the new EBSCOhost interface? Questions? E-mail Frances.drone-silvers@carle.com or call (217) 383-4513….
NLM’s FREESHARE Renewal Form Coming Soon–Deadline to Respond is Fri., Feb. 28
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) FYI. A notice about a forthcoming call to renew or cancel FREESHARE (posted on another listserv) is being re-shared below permission of Margot Malachowski, NNLM Region 7. Per Margot, at this time, the purpose of this initiative is to clean up the…
First HSLI Coffee & Conversation of 2025 Online Thursday, January 16, at 3:00 PM CDT
(via Frances Drone-Silvers, HSLI Secretary) Happy New Year! I hope you can join us for an informal chat session–HSLI Coffee & Conversation–on Thursday, January 16, at 3:00 PM CDT via Teams. No agenda and not recorded–bring your wins, losses, challenges to share. How are you doing with the new EBSCOhost interface? Questions? E-mail Frances.drone-silvers@carle.com or…
Registration Open for Webinar “AI Basics for Educators: What You Need to Know”–Thurs., Jan. 16, at 11:00 AM CDT
(via Lindsay O’ Neill, Linday O’Neill Consulting LLC) Registration is open for the free webinar “AI Basics for Educators: What You Need to Know”. It will take place on Thursday, January 16, at 11:00 AM CDT. Discover how artificial intelligence is shaping education. This 30-minute session will provide a high-level overview of AI’s current applications…
Registration Open for NNLM Webinars in Conjunction with Love Data Week (Mon., Feb. 10 – Fri., Feb. 14)
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) In conjunction with Love Data Week (Monday, February 10 – Friday, February 14), the Network of the National Library of Medicine will offer five sessions at which attendees can learn about data, how to use it, and how to assist others when…
Call for Proposals: Special Issue of IASSIST Quarterly on Aligning Qualitative Data Services with Open Science and Access–Deadline Fri., Jan. 31
(via Jessica Hagman, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) The Qualitative Social Science & Humanities Data Interest Group (QSSHDIG) of is hosting a special issue of IASSIST Quarterly on data services for qualitative work that may be of interest to any of you working with qualitative data or researchers. In 2019, members of the IASSIST Qualitative Social Science…
Call for Submissions: Upcoming ILA Reporter Issue on “Library Buildings 2024”–Deadline Thurs., Jan. 23
(via the Illinois Library Association) Did your library undergo renovations or new construction this year? Share the news with the library community by submitting the project for the ILA Reporter “Library Buildings 2024” article in the March, 2025, issue. Submissions should include: Examples from past issues are available on the ILA website archive page (please…
MLA Collection Development Caucus Holding Virtual Forum on COUNTER 5.1 (Wed., Jan. 29, at 12:00 PM CDT)–Registration Not Required
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Medical Library Association’s (MLA) Collection Development Caucus will be hosting a forum on COUNTER 5.1, which became effective this month. Tasha Mellins-Cohen, Executive Director of COUNTER, will briefly cover some of the changes with 5.1, and share some tips and common misunderstandings…
Registration Open for Virtual Roundtable Discussions on Topic Libraries as Partners for Emergency Preparedness and Response in Times of Crisis (Wed., Feb. 12 – Thurs., Feb. 13, and Tues., March 4 – Wed., March 5, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM CDT All Days)
(via Dr. Lian Ruan, Director/Head Librarian at UIUC’s Illinois Fire Service Institute) I am excited to invite you to join the virtual Community Engagement Roundtables of the project Libraries as Partners for Emergency Preparedness and Response in Times of Crisis, an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) funded initiative to study how libraries partner with…