(via CARLI)
Have you wanted your library to…
- Create a powerful impact narrative for your library?
- Use data in a compelling way to tell your library′s story to your stakeholders?
- Demonstrate how your library supports graduation and retention rates?
“CARLI Counts: Analytics and Advocacy for Service Development,” is a three-year project funded by an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant, in the amount of $243,885.
CARLI Counts is a continuing education library leadership immersion program that prepares librarians to make effective use of research findings on the impact of academic libraries on student success for the twin purposes of service development and library advocacy. Program participants will learn how to use local library data analytics in alignment with institutional data, goals, and strategic priorities to improve their services and demonstrate their value. Deliverables will include a portfolio of local case studies, an evaluation of the collective statewide impact of those cases, and a replicable state/regional training model for equipping librarians to be campus leaders in assessing library impact on student learning and success, all of which will be made openly available on the CARLI website. CARLI is working in partnership with the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign and Lewis & Clark Community College.
Cohort members attend two, three-day in-person sessions, for a total of six in-person days; webinars held in April, May, June, September, and October; and work online collaboratively throughout the program, culminating in team presentations at the CARLI Annual Meeting in November.
Cohort 2 will meet February 18-20, and July 14-16, 2020, at the I Hotel in Champaign. Lodging and meals are paid for by the grant. Travel to Champaign will be the responsibility of the participant. Participants will also be expected to attend the CARLI Annual Meeting, on November 13, 2020, in Champaign. Cohort 2 will complete their work in early 2021.
View the detailed timeline.
To be considered for participation, complete the Library Application Form, and submit it to Anne Craig.
Libraries will be invited to participate based on evaluation of these criteria:
- Strength of the application narrative
- Statewide geographical representation among the applicant pool
- Diverse library type representation among the applicant pool (public university, private institutions, community colleges)
Cohort 2 applications are due by Wednesday, December 4. Library Directors/Deans will be notified of decisions by Friday, December 6.