(via Emily Rimland, Pennsylvania State University)
The ACRL AI Competencies for Library Workers Task Force invites your feedback on a draft of the proposed “AI Competencies for Academic Library Workers” (PDF). The working group is following ACRL procedures for updates and an open comment period laid out by the ACRL Standards Committee, found on the ACRL website.
Please use the feedback form to share your comments and suggestions by Wednesday, March 26. Though the competencies were written for academic library workers, the Task Force welcomes feedback from everyone. Further discussion will be held at the ACRL 2025 Conference during the “AI Competencies for Library Workers: Shaping the Future of Academic Libraries” presentation from 10:30 to 11:30 AM CDT on Thursday, April 3.
After closing this review period, the Task Force will review and incorporate feedback into a revised draft that will be sent to the ACRL Standards Committee and the ACRL Board of Directors. Contact Task Force Co-Chairs Jason Coleman (coleman@ksu.edu) and Keven Jeffery (kjeffery@sdsu.edu) with questions.
Feel free to forward on to others for feedback.