(via Sarah Dallas, Director of the Southern Adirondack Library System)
Julia Warga, Chair of IFC and Sara Dallas, Chair of COPE, are seeking feedback from the ALA Council and the library community on a joint committee policy statement regarding the importance of advocating for intellectual freedom. We are asking you to review and make any comments by June 6, 2019.
Here is a link to the document: docs.google.com/document/d/…
We realize this is a very quick deadline. In order for the new policy statement to be included in the Intellectual Freedom Manual‘s publication, a final draft must be completed by Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., approved by both committees, and approved by ALA Council. Members of the policy statement’s working group are Emily Clasper (co-leader), Andy Harant (COPE, co-leader), Matt Beckstrom, Ray James, Anthony Davis, Bryan Cooper, Geoff Dickinson, and Nancy Bolt (COPE).