(via Mary Francis, Dakota State University)
Nominations Sought for IS Innovation Award
Full eligibility and submission guidelines
Submission deadline: December 6, 2019
Award: $3,000 prize sponsored by EBSCO Information Service
The Innovation Award recognizes a project from the past two years that demonstrates creative, innovative, or unique approaches to information literacy instruction or programming. Past awards have recognized well-known programs and initiatives such as
the WASSAIL Information Literacy Assessment Project, the Guide on the Side software, the New Literacies Alliance project, the 23 Framework Things, and the Undergrad Research and Writing Studio at Oregon State University.
Nominations must describe how the project meets the award criteria and should include a letter of support and documentation presenting the project’s purpose, content, impact, and innovative aspects. Read an interview with the Undergrad Research and Writing Studio team, the 2019 Award winner.
Please send your questions and submissions to Sara Lowe, at mlowe@iupui.edu.