(via Susanna Eng-Ziskin–California State University, Northridge)
The ACRL Instruction Section is seeking nominations for officers to serve on its Executive Committee. These elected offices include Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary/Archivist, and three Members-at-Large. You can view the responsibilities of these officers here.
Please consider nominating a colleague or yourself. Potential candidates should have an interest in contributing to leadership of the Instruction Section’s activities, which can be found on the IS website. The leadership work of the Executive Committee involves collaborative decision-making, information-sharing, liaising to IS committees, and visioning the future of the Section.
Previous committee or leadership experience in the Section has been one path for individuals to prepare for roles on the Executive Committee, but we welcome nominations of candidates who have shown leadership potential at their institutions, in other professional organizations, or through other collaborations.
Election to an office does not require conference attendance. Nominees must be members of ACRL and the Instruction Section at the time that they consent to be on the ballot in September 2022. The election will take place in March 2023.
The deadline for nominations is Sunday, August 14. You can submit nominations through this online form or by e-mailing Susanna Eng-Ziskin at susanna.eng@csun.edu. Please also feel free to e-mail her with any questions you have about making a nomination.