(via Devin Savage, Illinois Institute of Technology)
The Library Research Round Table (LRRT) is seeking nominations to run for elected positions on the Steering Committee: Chair-Elect and Member-at-Large. These service opportunities are a wonderful way to get involved with the association and LRRT. Our charge is to provide public program opportunities to disseminate research findings and educate the professional community on research techniques for problem solving and decision making.
Chair-Elect: Supports the current Chair with managing the work of the LRRT (LRRT Forum Program at ALA Annual, Mentorship Program, Jesse H. Shera Award for Distinguished Published Research, Library Research Seminar planning, and other potential initiatives). Leads the Nominating Committee. Attends Steering Committee meetings. Assumes role of Chair in the following year, and Past Chair the year after that.
Member-At-Large for a two-year term (July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022): Represents the interests of the LRRT membership in LRRT program planning. Brings forward ideas for potential programs. Attends Steering Committee Meetings.
Member-at-large to serve for a three-year term (July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2023) : Represents the interests of the LRRT membership in LRRT program planning. Brings forward ideas for potential programs. Attends Steering Committee Meetings.
Candidates must be LRRT members in good standing at the time of election.
If you are interested, please send your expression of interest and vita to nominatenowlrrt@gmail.com by Friday, November 15th, 2019.