(via Regina Gong, Lansing Community College)
On behalf of the Mentoring Subcommittee of the ALCTS (Association for Library & Technical Services) Leadership Development Committee, we invite you to participate in the second year of the ALCTS Mentoring Program. As an ALCTS member, you have the opportunity to participate as either a mentor, a mentee, or both. The ALCTS Mentoring Program aims to develop strong leadership in areas of librarianship covered by ALCTS; support members in developing their professional skills; cultivate leadership and involvement in ALCTS; provide networking opportunities, and expand members’ professional learning circles.
To apply for the 2018-2019 cohort, please see the links below:
The application deadline for the 2018-2019 cohort of mentors and mentees is Friday, March 2, 2018, with the mentor and mentee pairing process completed by May 14, 2018. The actual mentoring program for the first cohort begins June 1, 2018 and ends April 30, 2019. Please visit the ALCTS Mentoring Program website for additional information. If you have any questions about this program or the application process, please contact Regina Gong, Chair of the ALCTS Mentoring Subcommittee at gongr1@lcc.edu.