(via Xuan (Lily) Pang, University of Florida)
The American Library Association RUSA STARS International Interlibrary Loan Committee is gathering information to better understand international interlibrary loan (ILL). Please help us by completing this survey.
Responses from all libraries are encouraged, regardless of whether you borrow or lend internationally. If you are a National Library, we would greatly appreciate your distribution of this survey to libraries within your country network.
The number of questions will vary depending on which activities you currently perform, ranging from 10 to 40. It may take up to 25 minutes to complete. Several questions ask for statistics about your interlibrary loan activity. You may preview the survey in order to gather this data in advance.
The deadline is Thursday, August 31. On behalf of the RUSA STARS International Interlibrary Loan committee, thank you for your time and assistance!
Direct questions about the survey to the committee co-chairs Lapis Cohen at lapis@pobox.upenn.edu or Xuan (Lily) Pang at xpang@ufl.edu.