(via the Illinois Library Association)
ILA is currently developing its three-year strategic plan (2024-2027). The current strategic plan was adopted by the ILA Executive Board on April 18, 2019. Originally intended to be a three-year plan in effect from 2019-20 through 2021-22, it was extended for one year by the Executive Board vote in September 2021, to run through 2022-23. With a new executive director in place, the Executive Board voted in November 2022 that the plan be extended for an additional year with an updated plan in 2024.
ILA is working with Fesemyer Consulting to update our strategic plan. To date, Cindy Fesemyer has met with the ILA Executive Board, ILA staff, one-on-one interviews, and focus groups with members of the Illinois library community. The focus groups have been broken into specific library groups, including academic libraries, school libraries, small and rural libraries, special libraries, library students, and public libraries in urban or suburban areas.
Now we want to hear from you! We invite both ILA members and non-members to participate in the development of our upcoming goals, plans, and strategies by sharing their perspectives. Please take a moment to complete a brief survey. Your input is valuable to us. If you have any questions about the plan or the survey, please contact the ILA office at ila@ila.org.