(via Mary Konkel, College of DuPage and OCLC Global Council Delegate for the Americas Regional Council (ARC))
Dear Colleagues,
Libraries can bring unique strengths and collective muscle to global sustainability challenges. To inspire more conversations, expanded engagement, and action that leads to impact, OCLC Global Council has set its FY21 area of focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More information on the SDGs is available here.
In 2015, the United Nations Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This UN Agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals-all supported by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) through its International Advocacy Programme.
To build on this momentum, Global Council will support all 17 SDGs, with emphasis on the five that explore.
- Quality education (SDG #4)
- Decent work and economic growth (SDG #8)
- Reduced inequalities (SDG #10)
- Peace, justice, and strong institutions (SDG #16)
- Partnerships for the goals (SDG #17)
OCLC Research and Global Council have partnered to develop a “Libraries and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” survey based on questions and ideas from Global Council delegates, and now your input is needed to provide more comprehensive global insight. This survey is a key part of original research that will culminate in a final report that OCLC will publish in June 2021.
Please share your perspectives via the survey, which is open through Sunday, January 31, 2021, to all libraries, regardless of type, size, or location.