(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago)
Based on feedback from our member libraries of all sizes and types (academic, public, school, and special), RAILS has launched a campaign to help libraries prove their value to their different stakeholders. The latest addition to the campaign is the MyLibraryIs.org website.
Members told us they wanted a place to share effective ways they have found to tell their stories and to learn from others. A key feature of the site is the Sharing Showcase, where libraries can post stories, talking points, marketing plans, videos, press releases, social media posts, and more. Please share what you have done at your library to help prove your value. Check out the showcase to see what libraries have already shared!
The site also includes a Get Started section, with general resources and toolkits, library value calculators, information on networking opportunities, and specific information for each type of library. There is also a blog where RAILS and members will share helpful information and a training section that includes networking opportunities, webinars, and workshops.
Visit MyLibraryIs.org today and let us know what you think! (You can contact Mary Witt, RAILS Communications Director, with all feedback.) And be sure to check back often, as RAILS (and hopefully our members!) will be adding new content on a regular basis.