(via Kelly McCallister–Associate Dean of Libraries, Appalachian State University)
Hello, my name is Kelly McCallister, and I’m a doctoral student in Educational Leadership at Appalachian State University. I am currently collecting data to define best practices for academic librarians to aid in female student veteran academic success. I am reaching out to academic librarians to share their experiences and practices regarding female student veterans.
The survey asks specific questions about what library resources and services academic librarians offer female student veterans. It is a short 12 question survey for which the participants are completely anonymous. The survey is not collecting any personal information, demographics or identifiers. All responses are anonymous and privacy will be protected. The survey will be live until Sunday, March 31, to collect as many responses as possible. I wish to thank you for your participation with the completion of the survey.
Access the survey here. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, at mccallisterkc@appstate.edu, if you have any questions.