(via Cori Biddle–Penn State Altoona)
My colleague and I would like to invite interested academic librarians to participate in our continued research project on student-outreach activities and planning strategies. We are especially interested in those who use a formalized outreach plan to guide their work. The survey is based on the work published in 2023 but aims to expand the scope to more types of academic libraries.
Access the survey here.
Study authors received approval through their Institutional Review Board. If you have questions, complaints, or concerns about the research, you may e-mail the survey authors, Cori Biddle, at clb64@psu.edu, or Brendan Johnson, at blj5175@psu.edu. If you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject or concerns regarding your privacy, you may contact the Human Research Protection Program, at (814) 865-1775. Your participation is voluntary, and you may decide to stop at any time.
The survey should only take between 10-15 minutes to complete and will be open until Monday, July 15. Thank you for your assistance with our study.