(via Emily Kaye, MLIS student at Chicago State University)
Hello! I’m Emily Kaye, and I’m finishing up my last semester of my MLIS program at Chicago State University.
For my final project, I am looking to survey disabled and neurodiverse academic library staff and librarians that work in Illinois. My research question is: What significant perceived barriers do adult academic library staff with disabilities, neurodiversities, or both face while working, and what specific improvements could academic libraries implement to enhance their overall experience and inclusion?
Even if you may not openly self-identify as disabled or neurodiverse, I encourage you to take a look at my survey and see if any of the options resonate with you. This survey is anonymous and is distributed through Qualtrics, consisting of only three questions. It will take only a few minutes of your time, but you can take as long as needed. There is only one required question at the start which screens for academic library staff that work in Illinois. This survey will be available from Monday, March 3, to Sunday, March 30. The goal is to fill some of the gaps in the research on this topic, and any amount of your time is valuable!
I thank you for your time and for participating!
~Emily Kaye
Click the anonymous survey link here.