(via Adrienne Radzvickas, CARLI
The CARLI Instruction Committee is seeking presentation proposals for the 13th annual Instruction Showcase, to be held virtually on Wednesday, May 21.
Instructional Possibilities
CARLI members and Illinois LIS students are welcome to submit proposals on all library instruction topics, and are encouraged to draw inspiration from the committee’s theme this year: Instructional Possibilities, which invites librarians to reflect on their praxis and explore ways to refresh their teaching. We welcome proposals on all elements of instructional possibility. The following questions may serve as generative prompts, but are not meant to rigidly define areas of interest.
- Describe an instruction session or service you are particularly proud of taking part in. What lessons learned do you want to share with the instruction community?
- How have you revisited or implemented a new approach or tool that you have used in an instruction session or for a class to improve the content, pedagogy, communication strategies, or student learning outcomes?
- If you are a recent graduate or early career librarian with instructional responsibilities, what prepared you to teach and how do you continue to develop as an educator?
- What pedagogical theories have you applied to your instruction recently? What theories inspire you to develop a new instruction session?
- How have you changed your practice, or are looking to change your practice, to make library instruction more culturally responsive and welcoming to under-represented students?
- While the urge to innovate can seem supreme, what remains at the core of your instruction philosophy? Does retaining a tried and true practice serve as a reminder about essentials of the profession and effective instruction?
Proposal Requirements
All proposals should be a maximum of 250 words. Proposers may submit supplementary materials such as associated links or resources. Proposers will also be asked to indicate if they are interested in giving a 5-7 minute lightning talk, a 20-25 minute presentation, or either, with time for Q&A after both presentation types.
Submission Timeline
Proposals are due Wednesday, March 5, by 5:00 PM CDT and can be submitted through this form.
Submissions will be reviewed by the CARLI Instruction Committee and submitters will be notified by the end of March.