(via Mary Konkel, College of DuPage)
Share your expertise-present at ARC18
On October 25-26, leaders across all library types will come together at the OCLC Americas Regional Council Conference in Chicago, Illinois, USA, to share ideas, learnings, and insights, helping the entire community move forward to change the game. We invite you to contribute to the conversation.
We are seeking member proposals that will spark conversations around what it means to be a “game-changing library,” more specifically, what are those areas that will help the community better respond to shifts in the environment and drive their library’s transformation in the following categories:
* Technology and innovation: From evolution to revolution
* Spaces and resources: From collections to connections
* Analytics and data: From what we count to what counts
* Public purpose: From allies to advocates
Speakers will receive complimentary registration to the ARC18 Conference (a $275 value).
If you are interested in participating, please submit a topic for a 20-30 minute presentation by July 13. Speakers will be notified by July 31, 2018.
Please send your questions to oclcevents@oclc.org.
We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!
Learn more, and submit your proposal, here.