(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President)
Submit your proposals now for sessions, workshops, (by Monday, April 10) round tables, and posters (by Monday, May 15) for the 2017 Academic Library Association of Ohio Annual Conference. The conference will take place in Columbus on Friday, October 27, with a preconference on October 26. This year’s event is themed “Libraries Act, Respond, Transform: The A.R.T. of Empowerment”. More information is below.
Applicants are encouraged to think creatively about how their work connects to this year’s conference theme, “Libraries Act, Respond, Transform: The A.R.T. of Empowerment”. Explore how academic libraries and librarians provide resources and initiate programs, partnerships, and policies that empower patrons, staff, and stakeholders while advancing equity and social justice. Remember, small actions in any area of the library can lead to big transformations.
Ideas may include, but are not limited to, the following.
- critical librarianship
- nontraditional resources and services
- services for, and inclusion of, diverse populations
- collection development trends and models
- open access/scholarly communication
- programming/outreach/marketing
- accessibility
- leadership, and mentoring
- discovery and metadata
- information literacy
- sustainability
Each proposal must include the following information.
- a title
- a description
- presentations: 200 words maximum
- posters: 150 words maximum
- roundtables: 50 words maximum
- 3-5 keywords to describe your content
- presentations only: a description of how you will actively engage attendees and what they will take away
- roundtables only: 3 questions that you will ask to keep the discussion moving and on track
Proposals should follow these general guidelines.
- Content, relevance to conference theme, and overall appeal are key.
- Proposal descriptions should be concise, descriptive, and clearly written.
- Do not include identifying information in your proposal submission; submissions containing identifying information may be disqualified.
- Proposals are blind-reviewed.
For more information about this year’s event, and to submit a proposal, click here.