(via Sarah Simms, Louisiana State University)
The ACRL IS Conference Program Planning Committee extends the CFP deadline for its virtual program to Monday, February 11, 4:00 PM Central Time. Please submit your proposal by that date. See below for more information, and please share
The ACRL Instruction Section Conference Program Planning Committee seeks proposals on the following topic for a virtual program in the late spring 2019:
Library and information science literature has devoted increasing interest and attention to the topic of social justice. We aim to move beyond the theoretical to investigate the various ways librarians have incorporated social justice into the classroom, including as a pedagogy, as it is interwoven with the “Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education,” and as an advocacy topic.
We invite proposals from diverse voices and institutions that demonstrate engaging and practical applications of the the successful integration of social justice in library instruction. Proposals should specify how attendees can utilize these approaches and could include lesson plans, classroom activities, demonstrations, or course syllabi. We will ask you to share an artifact or document of your lesson plans, activities, demonstrations, or syllabi with the audience for practical application and adaptation.
Each panelist will have 10-15 minutes to showcase their approach (e.g. a lesson plan, classroom activity, demonstration, course syllabi, etc.). There will be a Q&A period following all presenters.
To submit a proposal, please fill out this form<http://goo.gl/WGoQCV>.
The deadline for proposals is February 11.
If you have any questions, please contact Ernesto Hernandez (ernestohernandez@weber.edu) and Martha Stuit (stuitm@umich.edu), the ACRL Instruction Section Conference Program Planning Committee Co-Chairs.